chapter twenty eight | out

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Sorry I'm so late for this one. Tell me what you thought about the chapter!

"Okay so to go over the plan one more time, I'll stay hidden in the mountains while..." Naruto started, leaking his "elaborate" plan while Sasuke and the rest of the group listened with grim looks.

"Naruto, we've talked about this a thousand times. I know what to do." Sasuke said, annoyed.

"Okay okay, I just want to make sure everything's right." Naruto said.

"It's okay Naruto, not everything goes perfect during a mission." Hinata said, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's so weird seeing them get along." Kiba whispered to Ino, who was standing a few feet away from the trio.

It was an hour before it was time to head out, and all the groups gathered by the village gates.

"I wish we'd go over the plan in my team. Lee insist that we can improvise as we go along." Shino sighed.

"If worse comes to worse Shino, we can always make a plan of our own." Sakura said, shaking her head.

"Where is Lee anyway?" Ino asked Lee's two temporary teammates.

"I don't know." Sakura replied.

"We're actually missing a few people." Kiba noted. Choji, Lee, Tenten, and Neji had yet to arrive at the gates and it was almost time to go.

Just as Kiba was about to go out looking for them, Tenten and Neji hurried down the street in a rush.

"Sorry we cut it so close! I had to pack all of my weapons." Tenten said, trying to catch her breath.

"I was forced to help." Neji explained dryly.

"Choji is always late before a big mission. He likes to bulk up on snacks for the long journey." Shikamaru said.

"What about Lee?" Ino asked concerned.

Neji and Tenten gave each other a knowing look. After years of teaming with Lee they knew exactly why he wasn't punctual.

Neji rolled his eyes as he and Tenten said "He's being fashionably late." In unison. 

"He won't show up until we start heading out." Tenten added.

"Oh great, now we really can't come up with a plan." Shino said sarcastically.


"'Hinata, I want you to be careful okay?" Sasuke said, deadly serious. "Stay close to Shikamaru and Temari, and if it comes down to it, use them as a shield if you have to." He shrugged.

"Sasuke, I'm a little concerned because I don't think that was a joke." Hinata giggled.

"It wasn't." Sasuke said, straight faced.

"Listen, I'll be fine, I promise. Everything's going to be okay, and we'll both come home safe. Of course, without the usage of human shields." Hinata insisted.

"That makes me feel very assured." Shikamaru said, coming up from behind Hinata. "And very confused about Sasuke's readiness to sacrifice me." He grinned.

"Don't feel confused, feel honored." Sasuke joked.

"I'll make sure everything runs smoothly, Uchiha. I wouldn't be able to show my face if anything happened to Hinata or Temari." Shikamaru said. "You stay alert yourself." He warned.

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