chapter twelve | housewarming pt. 2

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"Thank you." Sasuke mumbled, loud enough for the Hyuuga to hear.

"Oh? For what exactly?" Hinata giggled.

Sasuke glared at her.

Hinata laughed at his attempts to intimidate her.

"You know that's not going to work on me, Mr. I like drinking tomato juice out of a juice box." Hinata said mockingly in between fits of laughter.

"Will you be quiet?" Sasuke asked, hoping no one in the vicinity had heard her teasing.

Hinata calmed herself down, wiping a tear from her eye as she came to.

"It's okay Sasuke. No ones going to ridicule you for your weird tomato obsession. We're all very much aware you have one." She said, bursting out into laughter again.

Sasuke covered her mouth before her outburst drew any attention. Hinata relaxed once again. When she was sure she'd gotten herself under control, she licked Sasuke's hand, signaling him to remove it.

The sensation left him perplexed. He looked at his hand and then at the girl who had just licked it. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the words. He just stood there, opening and closing his mouth, gaping like a fish.

A small blush spread across his pale cheeks.

Hinata was very pleased with the reaction she elicited.

"How are you enjoying yourself thus far?" Hinata asked, scanning around the room. Everyone looked like they were having a good time.

Sasuke shrugged. "I don't usually do parties." He admitted to the shorter girl beside him.

"But you showed up to this one just for me?" Hinata asked suggestively. She was very curious to hear the answer.

"I can tolerate it if you're here." Sasuke stated quietly. Hinata had to stretch her neck to hear him properly.

Hinata coyly played with her hair. Sasuke smirked at her. "It doesn't feel good, huh?" He asked teasingly. Hinata pouted and flicked him in the arm. He flinched, glaring at his assailant. Hinata gazed around innocently, as if she hadn't done anything at all.

The moment was short and sweet and oh so natural.

Temari came up behind the two. She grabbed Hinata away from Sasuke, excusing them both, and pulled her into one of the houses rooms.

"What's going on?" Hinata asked, thrown off by Temari's sudden interruption.

"What's going on with you? I heard Naruto and Sakura talking earlier. Sakura said she met up with you to talk a few days ago." Temari said. Her arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot anxiously. She looked Hinata dead in the eyes, refusing to lose contact.

"And what's up with you and Sasuke?" Ino asked. Hinata jumped. She hadn't even realized the presence of two other people in the room.

Hinata wondered why this, out of all the things, had to be the question of the day.

"Nothing is going on between Sasuke and I." Hinata informed her friends. They all looked at her expectantly. She gave them a brief summary of what happened the other day at the cafe. The girls listened and waited until Hinata was done to say something.

"Neji is right." Temari said. "You need someone who's going to be about you and only you." She added.

Ino patted her friend on the back. "We're here here for you 100%" She encouraged her. Tenten gave Hinata a nod of reassurance.

Hinata knew she'd never have to go through anything alone. Her friends were always there by her side.

"Let's get back out there. We're sorry from pulling you away from Mr. Uc-hi-ha." Tenten teased, making sure to sound out every syllable of the last name.

Hinata rolled her eyes at her friends insinuation.

The four walked out of room, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Hinata looked around the living area. She saw everyone split up into groups.

Shikamaru and Kankuro were talking in the kitchen. Gaara and Lee we're sitting on the couch watching something Neji had put on while waiting for everyone to arrive. Choji was eating in the dining room. Kiba was getting lectured by Neji on how to properly use a coaster. Shino watched the two in amusement.

Sasuke was talking to Naruto and Sakura in the same corner he'd been in the whole evening.

She sat on the armrest of the brand new couch. She conversed with Gaara and Lee until she saw an opening to slip back next to Sasuke.

Just like how to him it was more bearable to be there with Hinata present, it was more bearable for Hinata to be there with Sasuke present.

He was actually a sort of breath of fresh air from the surrounding environment.

Naruto and Sakura had dispersed from around Sasuke after he shooed them away from his corner. He was tired of listening to their failed attempts at flirting and it was excruciating to see them so stiff around each other. He couldn't take it anymore.

Hinata approached him and stood against the wall beside him. She was about to open her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by a chime like noise.

Neji tapped his fork against the glass cup in his hand. Once he was sure he got everyone's attention he cleared his throat.

"I just wanted to thank you all for coming tonight." He started. Tenten picked up for him "Neji and I are very grateful that you took the time out of your busy schedule to make it. I hope you're enjoying yourselves!" She said.

"This house is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. I'm glad we could share it all with you. Our doors are always open for anyone who needs it." Neji finished. He and Tenten bowed at their guest. They all cheered and clapped for the couple.

It was late by the time everyone had cleared out of the apartment. Hinata was the last to leave, giving one last wave of goodbye as she closed the door behind her. She started walking, noting a shadowy figure behind her.

"The stars are beautiful tonight, don't you think?" Hinata asked the person behind her.

He nodded and caught up next to her. "You didn't even have to use your Byakugan." Sasuke smirked.

"I was only guessing it was you. Lucky for me, I turned out to be right." Hinata said.

"I'll walk you home." Sasuke offered. He didn't form it in the way of a question though. You could tell no wasn't an option.

"I'd like that." Hinata said just above a whisper.

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