chapter sixteen | do me a favor

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Today, Hinata was meeting up with Kiba and Shino. It'd been a while since they all got together and just talked.

They met at the village park. Shino went to get the group ice cream while Hinata and Kiba went to find somewhere to sit. They decided on a bench by the pond, and waited for Shino to get back.

"Listen Hinata, I've got a favor to ask of you." Kiba said, taking his chocolate ice cream from Shino. They sat with Hinata in the middle. Kiba was to her left and Shino was to her right.

"Sure, go ahead." She urged, licking her vanilla treat.

"I was hoping if you could maybe..." He trailed off, incoherently mumbling the last part of his sentence.

Hinata leaned in closer. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. Can you repeat that?" Hinata asked sincerely.

"I was wondering if you could.." He trailed off again, blushing deeply as he spoke the last part loud enough for only him to hear.

"Kiba, please speak up." Hinata said, getting even closer to the boy, straining her ears to hear. Kiba gave Shino a pleading look. The brooding man sighed.

"Kiba wants to know if you could set him up with Ino." Shino told Hinata. Her mouth formed an 'O' shape, finally understanding what Kiba was trying to say. She looked at the boy beside her. He was a shade of deep red, almost the same color as his tattoos. She giggled at his appearance, not used to seeing Kiba so bashful. She figured he must be really taken with Ino.

"I'll do what I can." Hinata said enthusiastically. She gave Kiba a small pat on the back. "When did you start liking her?" Hinata asked curiously. Kiba and Ino had grown up together. They all had. Before now, he's never really shown any interest in her unless it was to tease her. Hinata wondered what it was that made him see her in a different light.

"Well, it was kind of during the war. She was so strong despite everything. Between her dad, and almost losing Shikamaru, she's really been through a lot. I realized there was way more to her than I thought. She's smart and can hold a conversation. She can take care of herself, and she's good at being there for others. I don't know, there's just something about her. I can't believe it took me this long to notice." He confessed. Hinata and Shino knew he was serious.

Hinata determined that Kiba liked Ino for all the right reasons. She would be happy to set them up. It would be nice seeing the two together, their personalities fit well. She could leave Ino in good hands.

The three walked around the park after finishing their ice cream. Shino and Kiba walked Hinata home, and they went on their way.


"Naruto, slow down! You're eating way too fast!" Sakura exclaimed, moving the said boys bowl from under him. He whined, reaching for his food with a stuffed mouth. "Finish chewing first." She reprimanded, keeping his ramen at an arms distance.

Team 7 was eating at Ichiraku's tonight, hokages treat.

Naruto promptly finished chewing, eager to eat another mouthful. He made grabby hands at his ramen, to which Sakura sat it back in front of him. He smiled widely, and downed half the bowl in one gulp.

Sakura sighed, he never changes. At least when it came to Ichiraku's.

Sasuke grunted. Watching Naruto eat so fast was making him sick. He tried to eat his food without paying any attention to the blonde next to him, but it was getting more and more difficult with the way he was slurping so loudly. 

Kakashi sweat dropped. Did he really train this team?

"Another bowl please!" Naruto shouted. The ramen guy took his empty bowl away and went to the back to prepare a new one.

"You know, I'm really glad you finally got some time off Kakashi sensei. It's been a while since we hung out like this." Naruto said, swinging his legs back and forth under the counter.

"Yes it has. The works finally slowed down a bit. I thought this would be a nice outing." Kakashi said, smiling behind his mask.

"I really missed you sensei, it's been way too long." Sakura enthused.

"I missed you too Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto. Although one of you is seriously lining my pockets tonight." He said, glancing at the Uzumaki.

"I'm sorry sensei. I haven't had time to come to Ichiraku's lately. I've been training a lot recently." Naruto said sheepishly. The other three knew that Naruto was overworking himself to try to distract from his current situation. Even with things going well with Sakura, it was still hard to think about Hinata.

Kakashi coughed, changing the subject. "So Sasuke, I heard you recently completed all your community service. It's going to be a bit more complicated without you helping out in the office." Kakashi said shamelessly. He never did like doing his own work.

"You still have Nara to do your chores for you." Sasuke said shrugging. He was glad he was finally out of Kakashi's clutches.

"Looks like I'll have to call in more ninja to assist me." Kakashi said sighing, glint in his eyes. The three instantly shivered.

"No way, I am not archiving any of your files!" Sakura said sternly.

"That doesn't really fit in my job description." Naruto defended weakly.

"You can't make me." Sasuke reasoned.

"Your job is whatever I ask. And you do whatever I say. Or else." Kakashi threatened. No matter how strong Sasuke and Naruto had gotten over the years, they could never quite stand up to their instructor.

The shop owner brought out Naruto's next bowl of ramen. He took it happily, thanking the man he clasped his hands together and started on his new bowl.

Sasuke had completed his too, and quietly asked for another. The ramen guy nodded and took the Uchiha's bowl away.

Kakashi took a peak into his wallet. He sighed. He'd been doing that quite frequently today. Asking for another bowl, he watched as Sakura finished her meal and complained about being too full for another.

He silently thanked the gods. Ichiraku was always too good to resist.

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