Chapter 15

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I fluttered open my  eyes, sunlight streaming through the thin curtain.  I looked up at the bare ceiling and stretched out in the warm sheets comfortably. I had the whole day to relax in the sun, see Jack…


One thought whizzed through my brain at high speed, carrying a message containing Very Important Information. I tried to unlock the important thought flying around in my brain, chewing my lip, eyebrows knitted together.



I had a job! And… I glanced at the  clock. Was due to be there in half an hour!

I sprang out of bed, cooler air engulfing me after the snug sheets. I ran a brush through my hair, and threw it back in a loose ponytail. I skimmed through my wardrobe after applying light, formal make up. Nothing. I searched again, heart beating a little faster. What did I wear to a Supermarket job?

I rooted through my drawers, finding some suitable denim shorts, showing off my tan, and grabbed my long lost school blouse. It looked okay.

Avoiding possible places where members of my family might be, I thundered downstairs and hastily poured a bowl of cereal, shovelling it down my throat. I cleared up after myself and escaped the house, heading towards the Supermarket, sunlight beating down, 15 minutes of speed walking to try and be on time for my first day of work.

I got the job the day before. After being caught by the manager and guiltily trying to help out, it turned out I was good at stacking shelves, and pacing around the shop (all those walks in the woods had paid off). We had a conversation and he casually offered me a job. I was so grateful to him.

The cool, blasting air engulfed me as strode in, breathless, bang on time.

“G’morning!” Mick, the boss, smiled triumphantly. He was middle aged, with a cheery red face, and his dark hair was thinning. He had a thin layer of stubble on his chin and chocolate eyes. A navy blazer framed his broad shoulders.

“Hello.” I grinned, tightening my loose ponytail.

“How are you? Did you walk here?”

“Fine thanks. Yeah, had to speed walk, didn’t set my clock!”

He shook his head, smiling.

“So, first of all, here’s a cardigan with our logo on. I’ll need £5 for it, to be paid for in the next month please. It’ll just show the customers clearly that you’re staff. Also, here’s a name badge. I made it this morning.”

“Thanks.” I smiled triumphantly. “Just take away the £5 from my wages please.”

He nodded.

I slipped on the cardigan. At the same time arms slipped around my waist.

“I like the cardigan.”

“Thanks.” I grinned, turning around, eyes locking with Jack’s verdant orbs, amongst his tanned face, and blonde tousled hair.  Ahhh.

I turned back around. Mick had a slightly disapproving look.

“Ahem. Your, erm, first break it at 11:20.”

I nodded.

“For now, you’ll just be stacking the shelves. You can start with the crisps. Nice and easy. Jack can show you. Later, I’ll show you how to use the tills. Some people… find it harder than it should be.” He glanced and Jack and then winked. He then turned on his heel and strode away. I turned around to a scowling blonde boy.

“That man…”

“Hey shh. He’s nice. He got me a job, remember!” I intertwined my fingers with his and his face softened, like butter just out of a microwave. Unless it was only me that put butter in a microwave.

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