Chapter 2

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In no time I enetered the vivid haven of greenery, and my feet sank comfortably into the moss carpet. I tiptoed through the pink flowers dotted around the mossy floor, careful not to step on any. It was kind of a ritual for me.

I drifted through the maze of trees, my fingers tracing over the knobbled bark, until they detected a farmiliar gnarled pattern. I had reached my tree. It was different from the others, slghtly wonky and with an exess amount of leaves, so that when you sat underneath it the leaves would drift down and land on the moss around you. If you sat there all day - like I usually did - there would be a pile of emerald green around you. I looked up and smiled as the dappled sunlight beaming in sparkling rays through the trees created patternss on my face.

Kicking my Converse off (not real Converse, like my Mum or Dad would pay for those) I sank down onto the moss, sprawled my legs out, rested my back against the bark, and went to sleep.


I woke up suddenly, as a shadow fell on my face. I looked up; the sky was empty of fluffy white clouds. Where had the shadow come from? The woods was almost always deserted. 

My watch told me I had been asleep for four hours. Oops. I needed to go back. The shadow that I felt block the beams of the sun on my closed eyelids had slightly disturbed me. I shoved my notebook and pen (given to me by a sympathetic teacher after meeting my parents at parents evening - yes, they actually bothered to come - and seeing my empty pencil case) into my shorts pocket, and bounded through the woods, carefully avoiding the petite little flowers. My blonde waves bounced around my shoulders. I felt freeee. I loved the Summer holidays. Although, call me a geek ("Gemma, you're a geek!") but I dearly missed all my lessons, maths, science and especially English. I loved learning, unlike the rest of my family, who probably couldn't spell their own names. I think I was swapped at birth.

Too soon I was out of the woods and on to the grotty pavement heading towards the tiny little terraced house otherwise known as 'home'. Before I approached the door I noticed some Nike hightops had been kicked in front of the door. I swallowed; Dad was home.


Sorry for the short chapter - hope it's okay!

Gemma to the side! ----->

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