Chapter 12

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Gemma's brother Danny to the side ;) -------->

You'll meet him properly today!

It would be great to know what you think of him as a character! :)

It's taken me a couple of days to write this chapter. I wrote it on word, so hopefully no mistakes;) and it seemed long, a couple of pages with small writing, but when I transferred it to Wattpad, it looks really short, so sorry!

Anyway, please enjoy :)


I trailed home through the  pouring rain, dodging the puddles reflecting my miserable face. I reached my house and strode into the kitchen, putting the shopping away, and grabbing a handful of food to feed me all day in the woods. It was a stupid idea really, but I wasn’t going to hang around for the next encounter with Dad. I padded into the living room and ran a brush through my hair. My brother was slouched on a chair, can of beer in his hand, playing COD.

“Hi, Gemma.” He mumbled, squinting at the TV.

“Hey, Danny.” I said, picking up his can of beer and crumpling it. “Jeeze, it’s too early to drink that.”

“Hey!” he protested, glancing up at me.

His eyes widened, blonde eyebrows nearly disappearing into his hairline.

“What happened to you?”

“Dad.” I bit my lip and then immediately jumped, wincing.

His deep, chocolate eyes squinted in confusion.

“The ba****d!” Why did he do that? I’ll…” He trailed off.

I raised my eyebrows.

“This is the first time you’ve ever stuck up for me.”

Hurt flashed through his face and then disappeared, back to the usual tanned, muscular face, endlessly deep eyes and cropped blonde hair many girls swooned over.

“No,” He said softly, “but I’ve never hurt you either. You kinda look like me now, kid. Quite pretty really.” He bit his lip and smiled. “We’ve never been close, but I have noticed – y’know, how he hurts you. How Mum and Dad make you feel. And it’s changed you. You can’t stand up to anyone, thanks to them bullying you. I won’t let them do it anymore. You’re my sister and I’ve finally realised.”

I frowned at his mini, heartfelt speech. Had they changed me? Could I stand up to anyone? My mind wandered back to school when people used to shove past me, shoulder barge me, knock my stuff over like I was invisible, and I did nothing. Just put my head down and scuttled to my little bench near a small alcove of trees where people left the ‘tramp’ alone. All the while Danny was surrounded by a bunch of mates, a cigarette stuck in his hand loyally at all times. People didn’t dare push him. He never used to even look at me. Sometimes I didn’t think he even recognised me. Some people realised by our names. ‘Jones’. The greasy-haired tramp related to the school heartthrob. Nobody ever even gave me a chance. I didn’t have greasy hair. I tried in school. My clothes were clean, even though they were second-hand.  But once one person said it, nobody went near me. I was so, so glad Jack, and Amber didn’t go to my school. They’d assume the same. But maybe they were different.

I was snapped out of my daydream by the slam of the front door. By the force of the slam, and the vibrating glass, I knew Dad was back. My stomach dipped.

“I’m going.” I hissed to Danny quietly. “I’ll go through the kitchen. Don’t confront him, Danny, please. It’ll make things worse. I don’t want you getting hurt.”


“Don’t. Please. I won’t let it happen again.”

He sighed heavily and resumed to his game.

I quietly paced through the kitchen and to the small hallway. My Dad grunted and made his way up the stairs. I darted out, avoiding looking at the puddle of water streaked with red beneath my feet. I dumped the can of beer in a nearby bin and sloped down the pavement towards the woods, tugging my jumper over my hands, in the hope that the rich green canopies would provide me shelter.


There were no birds today. Even shaking out the crumbs of my chilli Dorito’s packet couldn’t tempt them. I was alone for the day, the rain pouring onto the treetops and leaking through, splattering everything, covering the little pink flowers. It looked beautiful, I had to admit, everything silent, making room for the noise of the rain thudding, plants dripping, sparkling, every form of wildlife  nestled away for the day. But it wasn’t good company. The icy droplets dribbled down my neck and I shuddered. 

I hopped off the damp tree branch I’d been hunched on and my feet sank deep into the saturated moss. I trailed my fingers over the damp bark of the trees. The wind had picked up and the trees swayed gently. The icy wind bit at my exposed face and licked at my ears. How could the weather have changed so drastically? Well, it was Ireland, Southern Ireland.

My feet dragged me through the trees, until we reached the fallen down tree. It had always been there like that. I’d never crossed it. Never wanted to. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, right?I was happy with what I had explored. But today was different. My feet urged me on, and I stepped over the fallen tree and through the moss and flowers. There wasn’t a path in these Woods. I liked it that way. Didn’t have to follow anything. You could just be yourself.

Over the huge fallen tree, the area hadn’t changed drastically. In fact, not at all. I wandered around a while longer, dipping by head, shielding it from the biting cold. I’d just about had enough, and decided to turn back. I looked around one last time, eyes skimming the greenery, and then my eyes settled on a brown smudge. I blinked my eyes furiously until my eyelashes were free of droplets of water and looked again. There was a house in the distance, with a thatched roof. Without hesitation I strode towards it. Up until about a week ago I’d never known anyone except myself ever step in these woods. I thought the Woods were mine, and mine alone. But now I’d found three people who regularly came into the woods for a walk, and, if my eyes were telling me correctly – someone lived here too.

Eventually reaching the house in the distance, I realised that it was more of a cottage, even though it had two floors. Despite the rain hammering down, it was beautiful. The emerald leaves and tree branches shrouded the little  cottage. It was decorated with an assortment of beautiful flowers, bringing it to life. The roof was indeed thatched, and decorated with more flowers. There was a little stone path leading up to the cottage surrounded in plants. It was like a fairy tale. What I’d do to live there.

My wandering mind came back to me immediately as a huge raindrop splattered onto my neck. I realised I was shivering alarmingly. It may have been Summer, but it was cold.

The rain suddenly started hammering down at a furious pace, drenching me. Slowly, as if in a daydream, my feet took me towards the cottage. Closer. And closer. Until I’d reached the door.

My body seemed to have a mind of its own. My mind was screaming at me to go, now, you’re breaking into someone’s property! But my body ignored my mind’s protests, and slowly pushed the door open.


End of chapter 12, hope you enjoyed it! What did you think? Pleasee vote and comment :) xx

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