Chapter 6

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I skipped home, humming contentedly, converse scuffing the pavement. The evening sun, still warm, beamed down onto my body, giving my skin a golden glow.

I had a friend! At last! Two - if you counted Daniel, as I suppose I did; I couldn't afford to be picky with possible friends. I grinned as I opened my front door, and then my grin faded and materialised into the stuffy, smoky air of the house as I realised where I was. Home.

It sounded like there was a party. I was no detective (Grade A at science though - I was getting there!) but from the thumping beat pulsating  through the house kind of gave me the impression that there was a party. Kicking my shoes off, I slowly made my way into the living room.

A dozen people were sprawled out on our wrinkly, stained sofa piece, clutching beer and cigarettes. The stench made my eyes water and my throat seemed to close up. My Mum was sprawled out on her boyfriends lap - at least, I think it was her boyfriend; he had the same shaved head - downing a 2litre bottle of what looked like cider, blowing smoke rings. Her purple, greasy hair was up in a ponytail, a cigarette shoved in the bobble. How attractive.

My brothers were sat on the uncarpeted floor, sipping from cans and swearing as they passed around dope. Others were there too, women in heels and men in high tops.

Someone noticed me. My Mum's ex boyfriend, I think. He looked he up and down and nodded appreciatively, and then wiggled his eyebrows. "Who's this then?" He leered, eyes bulging, shaved head flopping around. I grimaced.

"My girl." My Mum slurred.

The skin head chortled. "Nice legs!"

I walked out, disgusted, throat closing up, eyes stinging. I heared someone come after me. They placed an arm on my shoulder. Please don't be that man! I pleaded with... whoever.

"We're jus' havin' a-a party G-Gemma. Be a good girl and go to the... the shop, get some food. Here's some m-money." She thrust £20 at me.


I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped outside, breathing in sweet, fresh air. I began the long walk to the big supermarket, choosing the biggest supermarket purposely so I would be out of the smokey house for longer. I weaved in and out of the cobbled backstreets, gazing at all the thrown out, grubby furniture.

Eventually I reached the supermarket, and the cool air conditioning greeted me pleasantly after the abnormally swelteringly hot sun. I grabbed a basket and slung in a few items, something of my choice, instead of beer and crisps like Mum was hoping or. She must have been too out of it to realise I was underage to buy drink anyway. I threw in chilli doritos (my favourite flavour) some bread, some chocolate, some meat, and fruit and vegetables. They wouldn't like this but healthy food would probably soften the side effects of the weed. And I liked fruit. Told you I didn't belong.

I qued up patiently, enjoying the cool air and being out of the house. Finally it was my turn and I saw with surprise that I was being served by a boy around my age. A cute boy.

"Hey!" He grinned, and I almost melted in a pool of... wonder. He had a strong jaw and when he grinned he had cute dimples, and flashed perfect, straight, white teeth. His honey coloured hair was messily  styled across his forehead, and his eyes were deep green sparkling pools.. He was soo tanned. Like a surfer.

Suddenly I realised I hadn't replied to him, and was staring straight at him, mouth hanging open. Nice. My cheeks flamed.

"Oh, um, hi." I said shyly, letting my own honey coloured curls hide my luminous cheeks. I looked down and hurredly packed the bags as he skillfully swiped through the food, his muscles flexing attractively.

"Chilli heatwave Dorito's! I love these. Didn't think you'd be the type of girl to like these!" He grinned again, flashing blinding whiteness.

"Oh, well, you don't know me." I smiled shyly. Keep your distance Gemma, he's just being polite, he has to.

"Not seen you before. I've not worked here long. You from round here?"

"Uh, yes. 20 minutes away? Near the Woods."

He nodded. "School?"

"Yes, Kilters. Kilters High School."

"No? And there was me thinking you were at primary school!" 

I frowned... did he really think- Oh.

"Ha." I grinned, finally looking at him properly. Ahhh. "Um, you?"

"I don't go to school."

"Oh! How old are you?"

"15. You?"

"Same here." I smiled.

"Jack." He grinned, holding out his hand.

"Gemma. Gemma Jones." I shook his hand.

"Great to meet you." He said formally.

"Yup." I gathered up my shopping and turned to leave.

"Hey!" He  called. I turned, hair dancing about. "I want to... get to know you? Can we... meet? Here? 9 o'clock tomorrow?" He bit his lip, looking incredibly cute.

I blushed and nodded. He beamed and I casually strolled out of the shop, trying not to hyperventilate. Ahhhhh!


I sighed and glanced one last time at myself in the mirror.

It was still hot so I had on my best denim shorts, showing off my tanned legs (achieved from endless days in the woods sprawled out, the dappled sunlight tanning my legs) and a pink, floaty top complimenting my tanned arms. I ran my fingers through my hair, cascading in waves down my back. I didn't bother with make up. My vivid blue eyes showed a hint of exitement, for once, and that was better than usual.

I pulled on my converse on (my only pair of shoes - I lived in them, literally) and pulled open the front door, all set. Breathe, Gemma, breathe.

"Gemmaaaa! Where are you going?" My Mum yelled. I swallowed nervously.

"Um, for a walk." I murmered. She stomped towards me. "No, you're not you lazy piece of s***! You're going to clean the house!"

"Um, what?" I gasped. "I-I need to go! I'll do it later!"

Mum grabbed my arm and yanked me to the filthy kitchen. I grimaced in pain as her false nails punctured my skin.

"You, can stay here tonight!"

"No, please!" I cried.

Mum slammed the door and walked off, yelling abuse. 

I started picking up bottles of beer scattered across the floor, and then scrubbed at the sink. I glanced at the clock as I started to wash up, all desperation gone in replace of fury, growing fury that caused me to shake.

It was 9.20. I'd had enough. I stormed out of the kitchen and headed towards the front door. I'd pulled it open when my hair was yanked roughly. I squeaked.

"Get  here!" my Mother growled. Before I had time to blink her hand made contact with my cheek harshly.

"No!" I sobbed. I pulled the door fully open and ran out, feet thudding along the pavement. My cheek burned undescribably and tears streamed down my face as I ran all the way to the supermarket. I saw him it the distance, sides burning, cheek stinging, eyes blurred.


Soo... I know it's not very good, sorry, it was rushed and I've never written a scene like that... sorry, I'll try harder, it's only just getting deeper into the plot. Anyone who is reading this... thank you, if you would like pleaseee vote and comment your thoughts, it would be great! :) Might leave this chapter as it is and continue this scene in a new chapter...:) xx

Jack -------> 

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