Chapter 7

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As soon as my blurred eyes focused on him and his glowing skin, and his kindness for waiting so long, I sobbed harder and picked up my pace. He caught sight of me and waved, muscles flexing.

My cheek throbbed, the whole brutal impact of my Mum's slap now having its effects on me. I reached him, breathless from crying and running.

"Hey, Gem- woah, what's the matter? Gemma?" His deep pools of emerald rounded in concern.

"I, ah, erm." What had happened? "I n-needed to see you but my M-Mum wouldn't let me and t-then she hit m-me." My eyes brimmed with fresh tears.

"I d-don't belong, Jack! My f-family hates me!" Amongst my thoughts of misery a little bubble of thought popped up in my mind that reminded me what I looked like. Red cheeked, pink eyes and a tear stained face. And probably a slap mark. I covered my face and bit my lip.

"Hey, hey. They don't know what they're missing out on then. Come here. He prised my fingers from my face and replace them with his warm, gentle hands, cupping my face. He stroked my throbbing cheek carefully and wiped my tears away. He blinked his deep green eyes at me and pushed my crazy honey waves back from my face.

"You're so cute." He whispered, grabbing hold of my hand.

"You hardly know me." I mumbled.

"I don't care. Lets go for a walk." 

We walked hand in hand through the streets until we reached the entrance to the Woods, me still sniffing, his warm hand clutched around mine.

"You been here before?" He ran a hand through his floppy fringe.

I snorted despite myself. "Only almost every day of my life!"

"Good." He led me through the trees, dappled sunlight illuminating the occasional little pink flower. The sky was streaked with peach and mauve, with the occasional smear of purple. The soft light fell on his face.

"Sit." He instructed. Blinking, I obeyed, and he settled himself down on the moss next to me. His warmth radiated off him towards me and I moved closer, craving warmth. He slung his arm around me and cuddled me close.

"So, Gemma Jones. Do you have a middle name?" I looked up, confused, deep into his glinting eyes, and just saw my confused reflection.

"Erm, yes. Amber. G-Gemma Amber Jones." I smiled slightly. I wondered if my Mum looked at me with love when she held me for the first time. "You?" I asked quickly, trying to not let my mind wander off somewhere else.

"Neeope. Just Jack."

"Jack who?"

He ignored me and reached over with his long, sun-kissed arm and picked a pink flower, twirling it between his finger and thumb. He then placed it neatly in my honey coloured curls. I grinned at him and he returned it with a smile.

"So... Jack. You're 15, I've known you about 5 minutes, you work at the supermarket, and you live...?"

"Other side of the woods. There are houses near there."

"I've never been there, but um, maybe you could show me?" I bit my lip and raised my eyebrows.

He coughed. "Mabye. And you live a few streets from here right? Wanna show me?"

I groaned. "Nope, you will not be welcome. They're having another party I think." His face brightened.

"A party! Sounds fun!"

I snorted. "If you like drinking, swearing, and smoking drugs, I'm sure you'll be welcome!" he laughed and wrinkled his nose. 

"So, Jack," I  continued in a manly, formal voice, as that's just what my random brain came up with, "why don't you go to school? Don't tell me you're a super genious that left school at the age of 7 with GCSE's and you're working undercover at a supermarket because your brains are worth so much?"

The Woods (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now