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february 5th

the day of the trial.

everyone had been consulted by your attorney and sat on the witness stand. there was about twelve people; you couldn't count. two of them were your friends that you had last drunk in the bar with. you were in a trance at the sight of jungkook sitting adjacent to you.

oaths were taken.

the jury was chosen; min yoongi. you were amused by the amount of koreans living in your state.

opening statement was given by your attorney.

"good afternoon, everyone. my name's kim seokjin and i am representing the defendant, ayen elen," he began softly. "we'll be discussing  if miss elen is liable for the harm she caused to mister jeon as a result of attempted murder on january 30th, 2020. on that day, miss elen had just come to her dorm in her campus where she was staying with mister jeon. after a heated argument broke out between the couple, a vase was thrown on the ground by mister jeon which miss elen used to stab him as an act of self defence. we will provide the testimony of eyewitnesses who have either been victim to mister jeon's violent tendencies, or seen it take place. ladies and gentlemen of the jury, miss elen is an honest, kind and law abiding citizen. at the conclusion of this trial, it is my hope that in the interests of justice you will find that the defendant is innocent and was only acting in self defence against an attempt at rape from mister jeon. thank you."

you didn't bother listening to the statement of jungkook's lawyer, but it went in the lines of you having anger issues and have been abusing him halfway into your realtionship. you had reached your limit on that eventful day, and tried to kill him in a moment of rage.

you scoffed at the thought; you wouldn't hurt a fly, and you found yourself hoping one of your friends would say the same exact thing.

witness testimonies were given.

"in my cottage back where i raised jungkook, i saw ayen..."

"we've known ayen for years, and never once saw her act out..."

"he beat us up at namjoon's party..."

"she wouldn't hurt a damn fly..."

"i witnessed him hit her in a lecture..."

"my daughter, vanessa dated mister jeon..."

"i went through the same damn thing."

you looked up at the sound of vanessa's hoarse voice. you had zoned out everyone's effort at defending you until she spoke. jungkook had his attorney constantly deny the accusations with a simple reminder of no evidence. of course, you were guilty until proven innocent; he was innocent until proven guilty.

"the guy took me to the same cottage where i got arrested, talking about some bullshit that either i killed him or myself." tony tried to hide his shock at his daughter's foul language, but it was to be expected after living with other inmates for so long.

"the man didn't give me a choice either, i was freezing my fucking ass off outside and i was cornered in some forest. he gave me a knife, did a three second countdown to decide whether i would stab him or not, and then fought me when i didn't do shit. so i kicked his nuts and ran off with the knife because who knew what this sicko would do with it if i left it? then he calls the cops on me when i freak out with his mom, and i still don't know what that twisted russian roulette bullshit was about. anyway, i get arrested because his dick was bruised and i was fine, which immediately meant i was guilty some-fucking-how, and now i've lost everything. don't have no damn reason to lie." she sat back down on the witness stand.

the closing arguments sealed the deal in your favor, because the recording had everyone's attention.

you suddenly wanted to kiss namjoon.

"i choked her."

"what the fuck did you do to vanessa?!"

"i didn't do anything! i swear-"

"mister jeon had realized that she was recording the conversation in an attempt to save her professor's daughter who was framed and was serving an unrighteous sentence. he then deletes the recording, throws her on the ground and a vase to her head. he misses by a couple of inches and proceeds to try and undress her before he gets stabbed by miss elen in an act of self defence."

fuck, you were scared. this whole trial was going in your favor, you were basically proven innocent already! but there was still this feeling that crept up that doubted your fate.

it was time for the verdict.

a break was taken, and you were sweating your tits off. the handcuffs' metal was coated in your sweat and your leg wouldn't stop bouncing. jungkook was watching you from across the room, but you paid no mind. his attorney had left the court with the judge. seokjin was massaging your shoulders to calm you down and reassured you, "there's no way you'll lose this case, trust me. at least not in the name of justice."

you had only grown more nervous when the short break ended.

the verdict was announced.

"the defendant is not guilty. the plantiff is charged guilty in the name of attempted murder on two separate occasions, framing an innocent, and attempted rape. vanessa johnson's case will be discussed in a separate trial. case closed." the gavel was struck.

"he pleads insane!" yelled jungkook's attorney in a moment of desperation. jungkook wasn't a wealthy man, so he couldn't hire the best or an experienced lawyer. "he has mental problems!"

the cries of his attorney were ignored until you squeaked out, "it's true." damn your lingering feelings for jungkook.

"excuse me?" the judge asked sternly. your mumbles were incoherent.

"he needs to be treated for his mental issues, your honor. throughout our relationship, he's had plenty of panic attacks whenever i was gone for too long or when i brought up his past. i think it could be ptsd or separation anxiety, your honor."

if justice was to be served, you decided jungkook should have his too. even if it meant he would look at you like he was crazy in love during one of his most life changing moments. you avoided his creepy gaze.

it was decided that jungkook would have a psychological evaluation, and you were finally released.

and it made you feel absolutely nothing.

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