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january 20th

"oh, fuck," you gasped. you were bent over on the mattress, ass up with your back arched. you were in the expert, perhaps devil, position for sex that kept showing up on your instagram feed to promote sex workers. "mmph!"

jungkook was pounding into you from behind, desperately trying to reach his high. it was another day of having meaningless sex to rid of each other's sexual frustration rather than making love.

his moans were enough for you to clench yourself on his relentlessly thrusting cock, and at times like these, you forgot about all the toxicity of your relationship and simply prayed to whatever was up there to keep you two together for more sex like this.

"i'm close," he breathed. he was getting sloppy, stuttering and especially courageous. he pulled you back by your hair, pressing your back against his clothed chest. it all happened so fast that he didn't take a moment to undress himself completely, same as you. "talk."

your mind was empty and breaths were labored but regardless, you moaned, "i love you so much, fuck," he pulled harder on your hair which made you yelp, "it feels so good-" your praising was cut short as he suddenly blocked your airway with his hand.

it felt like a dream come true.

now completely out of oxygen from the pleasure and tight grip of his fingers, your jaw was practically hanging. the second he noticed, he let go of you and you dropped instantly. your body was manhandled like a ragdoll; he flipped you on your back before holding you up on your knees by your hair and thrusting into your mouth.

you were literally on the verge of passing out. after a couple of gags, he deepthroated you and finally orgasmed. you swallowed without a choice, and struggled to catch your breath once he was out of you. he collapsed next to you right after while you were still on your knees.

once you visibly calmed yourself, he smiled at you smugly. "did it feel as good as you imagined?"

your cheeks flushed but you snuggled into him nonetheless. "better," you paused. "how did it feel for you?"

you looked up at him innocently as he bit his lip in thought. after a moment, he mumbled tiredly, "i don't really know, but i want to do it again."

it hadn't felt that good before when he did it to another woman.

january 21st

"crime prevention is the dumbest shit i've ever heard," grumbled namjoon from beside you. he had pulled you closer to him on the wooden bench in current lecture out of concern for your safety; he couldn't withstand another scene of you choking on your own breath. jungkook looked irritated to say the least. "they're literally never going to stop."

with jungkook shooting daggers at the far wall across, thinking about the creative ways namjoon could die painfully before sketching them down, you casually shrugged without a care in the world. "they're just trying to bring down the rates, man."

"yeah, by legal crimes."

you couldn't help but giggle at his wording. "what?"

"they lock up criminals, which is essentially kidnapping. they execute them, which is literally killing. does that sound fucking normal?" he was annoyed just thinking about it. fairly, it was necessary for the sake of justice but it was a crime nonetheless.

"i mean, you do have a point," you puckered your lips, somehow understanding that the law enforcement is flawed in that regard. "but the government does it for the right reasons, you know? think of it this way, the criminals already know the consequences of their actions before doing them. doesn't that mean they're pretty much consenting to going to jail?"

namjoon snorted at your perspective before jungkook came to mind. he glanced his way to find him subtly staring at your side profile. "have you ever prevented a crime by reporting one?"

you eyed him suspiciously. you sensed an underlying hint towards jungkook's abuse, and you were not pleased. truth be told, your boyfriend was not a saint and he could definitely get a ten year long sentence in prison, but you were definitely not going to be the one to lead him down that path. call it stockholm syndrome, you still loved him for who he was outside of his violent tendencies.

"i would report someone if they appeared to be harmful to society. but i wouldn't report someone in need of my help," you opined.

"how could you possibly help a criminal?"

if jungkook had changed at all in the span of however long, it was your influence. whether it was for the better or worse was debatable, but at the end of the day, you had an impact. you wanted to help jungkook by that power.

"depends on what they need. money? i'll hook you up with apple bee's. sex? i'm about to teach you consent in five minutes. you know what i mean? no need for robbery or rape."

"okay, what if they're desperate for love? and they want to kidnap you? what would you do?"

wasn't it obvious? shoot yourself so you don't freeze to death.

"i..." you hadn't done anything when it happened, really. "i'd provide love for them without having to be caged."

he scoffed as if he was amused by your naivety. "yeah, i don't know how you could change a sick mentality by enabling them."

"it's not-"

"let's face it ayen," he interrupted with his voice a decibel higher, "you can't dedicate all your time and energy to a psychopath and expect to be a good influence on them without them influencing you back. you're going to start to agree with their tactics because they'll justify it, even when they resort to more peaceful ones."

you stayed quiet. he was getting so heated that he basically called jungkook a psychopath without name calling.

it hurt because you agreed with both namjoon and jungkook.

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