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december 25th

it was 12.00 am when jungkook sweetly whispered into your ear, "merry christmas."

you had been staring at the ceiling, deep in thought about your conversation with jungkook's former girlfriend for hours. you didn't even notice jungkook slipping into the bed and snuggling into you until then.

you flinched at his voice but your face flushed nonetheless. "merry christmas to you too, kookie." you had made up your mind; he was too precious to be deemed a "psychopath" in your dictionary.

you turned towards him, both of your bodies in curled positions. "have you gotten me a present?"

he bit his lip seductively while he gazed into your eyes ever so lovingly. "what kind of boyfriend do you think i am? of course i did, babe."

you blushed. you couldn't deny that you were suppressing a lot of emotions of fear, but the exhaustion that came around at midnight was helping you relax. "when should we exchange them?"

he got up from his bed to retrieve his gift from the traveling bag. he handed a small wrapped box to you with a smile.

before seeing what it was, you decided to give him his from your bag as well. you had gotten the gift long before coming to his mom's cottage. it was a black titanium promise ring that you slightly worried was too soon to give.

you noticed how adorably he was trying to hide his grin from you when you unwrapped your gifts at the same time.

"oh my god," you squealed. "we both got each other promise rings!"

yours was a silver band, contrasting each other's choice of color as if to reflect your differing personalities. you put it on immediately just like he had, and compared it with your hands displayed to each other.

he was overjoyed. "i can't believe it. i'm so in love with you right now," he gushed, "you know i was really worried i had rushed it."

you quickly exclaimed, "me too!"

neither of you cared about your loud squeals in the dead of the night and you had forgotten all about your interaction with vanessa. you weren't in a place where you had to escape from him by being behind bars. you only wanted to be in his arms.

you spooned him tightly and slept peacefully in his warmth and security.

in dawn, you woke up to jungkook carrying you bridal style, about to exit from the back door.

the wind immediately hit your body, jolting you awake as you mumbled, "what the fuck?"

"oh you're awake!" he looked down at you cutely with his signature bunny smile.

you were already shivering as he headed towards the barn and your mind finally woke with your body. you hugged your arms and asked urgently, "what are you doing?"

he kicked open the gates of the little barn, piles and stacks of hay entering your vision. you couldn't move too much as you were freezing given the snowy weather so jungkook took it upon himself to gently lay you down.

unlike you in only your winter pajamas, jungkook had worn layers on layers of clothing that made the cold tolerable.

"for the sake of christmas, i decided to play a game that only validates our promise rings further," you looked down at your silver band, not noticing the glimpses of bones underneath the hay as he continued, "in which only one of us is coming out of here alive."

your teeth were chattering as you shakily yelled with your jaw clenched, "jungkook, i'm fucking freezing right now, can we please go back inside?"

he clicked his tongue, "you're supposed to be freezing, baby. you either die of hypothermia," he pulled out a pistol from his pocket, "or you get past me. think of it as an escape room!"

you couldn't even bring yourself to ask jack shit as you breathed into your palms for at least a spark of warmth.

he shot the ceiling and you flinched in your curled position, thinking back to the hunt. "as you can see, the gun is loaded and now i'm gonna hand it over to you," he dropped it on the ground before kicking it your way, "if you don't want to freeze to death, you have to shoot me, or yourself."

there was a heavy thud as he pulled the wooden lock over the gates.

you finally found the energy to ask through your trembling lips, "is-is this a s-sick joke?"

"nope. pick up the gun and make your choice baby. you can't critically injure me because, well, then you'd go to jail for shooting me, no? i want you to stick to the rules, sweetheart."

you shrunk into the hay and chose to close your eyes in hopes of jungkook showing mercy to you after realizing you were actually gonna freeze to death. you were quivering as the chill of the wind still found a way to bite you through the cracks of the barn.

after what felt like eternity, which was merely a few minutes, you peeked through your heavy lids to see him leaning against the gate with his arms crossed, patiently waiting for you to make a move.

"a-are you s-s-" you couldn't even finish your sentence as you kept shuddering. you picked up the gun with your bare hand that was gradually getting redder.

"remove the safety," he instructed calmly.

you did as told with difficulty and very slowly aimed at him. you didn't want to shoot him, but you hated this torture called frostbite. your body temperature was quickly decreasing, and all logic had left your numbing brain. you couldn't bring yourself to wait it out any longer.

you moved the tip under your chin. you didn't want to do this, not in the slightest bit, but you weren't killing jungkook - you didn't need to be able to think clearly to know that.

with all the strength you had left, you confessed one last time, "i l-love you, you psy-psychopath-th."

you pulled the trigger.

french girl • j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now