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january 14th

the bangs that you loved so dearly began to get on jungkook's nerves. he had been growing it out, but he didn't take his sight into account when he made that decision. he had to shake it off his eyes like a wet puppy every time he was blinded, and he was less than willing to style it with gel every goddamn morning.

the predator eyes of mr. johnson you hadn't noticed before were constantly on jungkook. when you caught him on the act that day, it was more than unnerving. if jungkook had been uncomfortable by you just watching him draw, you couldn't imagine how he felt due to your professor's intense stare on him.

the persistence of namjoon was admirable as well. he seemed to care less about your boyfriend's reaction then as you two slipped notes to each other back and forth, not so subtle in your actions. the conversations would differ from questions about the subject to picking on each other and jungkook's hair.

meanwhile vanessa, who was out of your mind, was rotting in prison.

things were getting better.

it was evening when the both of you were free from your education and had decided to go to a tattoo parlor. jungkook was going to get a tattoo and you were worried about the way your body tingled by just the thought of seeing it on his skin.

you absolutely loved tattoos.

he had already chosen the design and location for the inking before entering the shop and you were beyond excited. it sounded almost sadistic considering you were going to have to sit through hours of watching jungkook's pained expression, but you just couldn't wait for the results. and the way he held onto your hand so tightly when the needle went through the skin of his other hand?

words couldn't describe how turned on you were.

"it's okay jungkook, just a little more," the man on the job chuckled at your words. it had only been five minutes and you were already comforting him with such cliché lines. "it's almost done!"

"stop fucking lying," he growled through clenched teeth, eyes screwed shut in pain. he was damn near about to break your right hand.

"hey! it's not that big of a fucking tattoo, get over yourself. plus, when have i ever lied to you?"

even with the needle under his skin, he still managed to glare at you through his narrowed eyes. you laughed at his pettiness.

he had picked multiple minimalistic designs to go over his knuckles and metacarpals. the hands you've been attracted to since forever were just teasing you at that point.

distracted by your daydreaming, hormones and jungkook's 'ouch'es, you didn't notice until the hours went by and he finally took a look that his knuckles spelt your name.

'A Y E N'

just below your name was the title that summed up your relationship perfectly, 'still with you'. the rest of his hand had abstract doodles on it.

"oh man," you said, astonished. "that's some committed shit right there."

"yeah well, it hurts like a bitch," he remarked before uttering under his breath, "represents you well."

the snarky comment that didn't go to deaf ears had you attacking him on the way home. being such a nice person, you kept your blows gentle enough to not cause him to pass out from the stinging pain of needles.

it looked funny to watch him walk around with one wrapped in bandages while the other was gloved; coupled with the long hair, he fit the role of a bad boy perfectly.

however, his real personality wasn't doing him any favors in that regard.

"cuddles," he demanded the moment his body met your bed.

with a playful roll of your eyes, you taunted, "only if you ask nicely."

his safe hand pulled you down roughly to his side, grumbling, "i'm trying not to bitch about my crying flesh here, if you could just cooperate..."

you giggled in response, a little weirded out by how normal this situation was. you'd been so used to being a dysfunctional couple that it felt strange to have moments of proper loving.

in an attempt to fullfil one of your most desired wishes, you brought his bare hand up to your neck. he got the idea instantly, wrapping his fingers around your neck before gently squeezing it. "you wanted me to choke you, right?"

you nodded excitedly. he chuckled at your child-like expression that was not very suited for the current situation.

pulling his hand away, he teased, "sorry, only good girls get rewards. you've been messing with me all evening." he clicked his tongue to annoy you further.

the glint in your eyes dimmed as you glared at him. "then no cuddles for you, bitch."

in an instant, his hand was back on your neck; unlike before, his grip was tight. your breath hitched as he sneered at you. "watch your language, love."

the most you could croak out was, "make me." you weren't intimidated by the lack of air entering your lungs. you faced death by jungkook once, you didn't believe he'd kill you right then or ever; especially after crying to you about not wanting you to think he'd ever hurt you. the promise rings had gained a meaning to them, and it was trust. you trusted him with your life.

he licked his lips as he watched you struggle to breathe. eventually loosening his grip enough for you to gasp, he got on top of you. "if i hear you swear at me again, i won't let you off the hook so easily. now remove my belt."

shit, okay. you obeyed and unbuckled his belt before sliding it off the hooks. when you were about to unbutton his pants, he used his bandaged hand to slap you. the palm was safe after all.

while you were recovering from the shock of the hit, he spoke, "i didn't say you could do that. now since you're such a huge fan of slapping," alright, you got the hint. "that'll be your punishments for the night."

still not exactly affected by the pain, you innocently asked, "how do i avoid getting punished?"

he pulled you up by your neck and pecked your lips. you could feel the cold metal of his ring against your skin but you had no room to complain. "you don't. no matter what, i'll get back at you for what you did. you'll have pretty rosy cheeks in the morning, yeah?"

with a twisted smile on your lips, you emphasized, "fuck you."

french girl • j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now