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ever since the hostage situation performance in front of everyone, namjoon had been approaching you a lot more often. it was sort of fun chatting with someone jungkook approved of, but you decided not to dwell on those thoughts. jungkook didn't have a say in your friendships.

"so, ayen," began namjoon somewhat shyly, "there's this party i'm having tonight and i'd be happy if you could make it. it's not huge or anything, it's like a gathering of close friends, yeah?"

jungkook had gone to the bathroom and namjoon took it as an opportunity to invite you out. he didn't let the two of you chat enough to fully emerge into the conversation before he discreetly interrupted. you were flattered he labeled you as a close friend either way, but you weren't too sure about leaving your boyfriend out of it. "that sounds really fun, is jungkook coming as well?"

you noticed him nibbling on his lips nervously and took it as no. "he never hangs with us anymore so i'm pretty sure he wouldn't come anyway- not that i'm blaming you, of course!" his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. you found it endearing how easily flustered and caring he was, but nothing to top your precious baby.

"he doesn't really let me go out much either," you sighed. "he's become a homebody in the past month."

"let you?"

you half-heartedly laughed at the subtle insinuation. "he doesn't exactly order me around, just that he gets very needy."

namjoon's expression became one of confusion. the jungkook he knew was nothing of that sort, if anything he was the least clingy person he'd ever met. they'd known each other for so long so he was naturally surprised by the description you'd given him. "him? needy? that's a sight to see," he chuckled to ease his nerves. it felt strange not knowing such a specific side to his long-time friend. "well, i still hope you come."

he'd rushed his words after noticing jungkook climbing the steps to their row. he was beginning to learn a lot about jungkook's inner-self the more he spent time with you, whether through his own observation or from your random drops of information.

jungkook sat next to you and pulled you closer to him by his arm on your waist. namjoon side-eyed the interaction but said nothing.

"did i miss anything?" he pecked your lips.

his face was very close to yours as his eyes pierced through yours. you quickly glanced at namjoon to see that he was already looking at you. you bit your lip before responding, "nothing at all."

was there a specific reason as to why you were covering for namjoon when jungkook could've easily come with? yes. you already knew he'd want to leave early after a whole evening of keeping you on his side, not letting you socialize once. you felt guilty for lying, but it was just harmless fun - you weren't going to cheat on him or anything.

around seven of the clock, you got ready to leave for the address namjoon had texted you. you got his number that day in the midst of a lecture after trying your best to kick his foot and doing a call gesture before pointing at the piece of paper in front of him. he finally got the message and crumbled a scrap piece of paper before throwing it at you. you did it behind jungkook's head for safety measures; god knows what he'd think if he saw you talking to him without his supervision. even without seeing that side of his, you could already guess he was the jealous type.

you got into plain, warm clothing to not draw jungkook's attention and also because you were just planning on drinking and chatting. if it was just a small gathering like namjoon had promised, you were just gonna befriend his friend group. who knows, maybe it could become a close friendship?

"you going somewhere?" jungkook looked up at you from him phone. he was lying down on his back with his hoodie over his head. you almost fainted at the sight. he was so soft yet so rough!

"yep, don't miss me too much. i'll keep my phone open."

he frowned at the reassurance; it sparked some terrible memories from that day. "where? hopefully not drinking again?"

you sighed, "nah, i'm just going to visit a friend and come back. don't worry okay?" you kissed him goodbye and hurried out to avoid further questioning. he was one curious man.

you decided to take the bus since you didn't want to waste twenty minutes by foot while it was windy outside. there was this feeling bubbling up inside you that was a mix of anxiety and excitement; you hadn't been able to interact much with others in the presence of jungkook, and namjoon still asking you to hang out under these circumstances was more than thrilling. jungkook really had become the spice to your life, and these challenges he's causing you are exhilarating. your heart fluttered at the thought.

"ayen! you made it," namjoon opened the door for you after you basically fisted it. he lived in two story house that was just plain and simple as opposed to what was happening inside. "let me introduce you to my friends."

there were three girls and four boys occupying the couches with one of them passing around the weed. there was a little disco ball on the coffee table flashing random colors in the rather dark living room. okay, this was definitely gonna be exhilarating.

you were introduced to the boys: taehyung, hoseok, chris and felix, and the girls: mary, irene and elle. it didn't take you long for you to warm up and get high off your ass.

"suuup?" your voice had gone total 'dude' mode. jungkook called you an hour after you had left to check up on you, and you responded happily. "whatcha doin' babe?"

jungkook furrowed his brows. "hey? what's with you?"

"i think i'm high," you lost your shit and laughed loudly onto the microphone making him wince away from the speaker.

"you're what?!"

"you didn't hear me? i think i have bad signal."

jungkook groaned through clenched teeth in annoyance. is this the type of shit she did before we met? he growled, "where are you, ayen?"

"ummmm..." you had half a mind to not tell jungkook where you really were, so you kept on dragging the hum before he finally exploded.

"for fuck's sake ayen, are you with your girlfriends or not?"

"oh, yes!" you yelled a bit too quickly. your voice was drowned out by the speakers.

"is there anyone who's in their right mind?" his patience was running thin with how strange you were acting.

you looked around before your eyes finally landed on the one guy who was quietly laying back on the couch with his arms draped over it: taehyung. now how were you going to tell the man with the deepest voice you've ever heard to sound like a girl?

you put your hand over the phone before whispering, which was still audible to jungkook, "psst! can you make your voice go really high?"

he screeched with a blank face in response. you gave him the phone before trying not to slur while warning him, "don't tell him where we are."

"hello?" taehyung greeted with a very high pitched tone while you stared at him with a lazy smile. you were already holding in giggles.

"who the fuck do you think you're fooling?" you heard from the speaker.

"oh my! jungkook-ah," taehyung switched back to his proper voice after recognizing his old friend. he began to converse in korean about how jungkook never called him anymore while you were gaping at how easily he gave in.

jungkook hung up while taehyung was mid-sentence, already knowing where to go.

this time, he wasn't killing his love. he will savour his girl, and get rid of the obstacles instead. a second chance given by yours truly.

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