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december 1st

it's been a while since you've last seen kim taehyung. sure, you got glimpses of him every now and then, but it was as if the moment you caught sight of him, he'd disappear into thin air.

it was annoying.

you had met some of those people for the first time in namjoon's party because you didn't pay much attention outside of your friend group (not that you had the chance to anymore), and since you recognize some of them around campus now, it's sort of weird treating them like strangers. it was a well-deserved treatment, but shitty nonetheless.

jungkook fucked it up, and you didn't completely blame him. they were mostly his friends alright, but you lied to him to do drugs with people that you didn't know personally. of course he'd create a ruckus.

thankfully, namjoon chose to stuck with you again; the poor man even felt responsible for the whole thing! he always spoke with you in secret to avoid another beating from jungkook. that's right, jungkook beat up anyone he could get his hands on when they refused to let you go with him after he barged in, with the exception of you - he didn't lay a single hand on you, only the silent treatment for two days. you were starting to make excuses for him in your mind to justify his cruelty.

you almost hated that you still loved him.

mr. johnson had dedicated the whole term to humanizing criminals. 'some can't be helped, but that doesn't make them any less worthy of it,' was his motto. he didn't believe in the perspective of everything being either black or white, bad or good. there were assignments dedicated to profiling serial killers and studying cases of stockholm syndromes, as well as all the other motives and mental disorders.

obsessive love disorder.

"i'm gonna drop the professionalism and approach a mutual interest within you youngsters. i'm sure you've all watched anime at some point, no?"

the students cheered loudly and some even called him 'the man'. you laughed as the howls echoed throughout the lecture hall.

"alright, calm down, let me finish my point," he chuckled, "you guys are familiar with the term yandere then, i assume. if not, it basically translates to lovestruck." he pulled up an image on the projector of an animated school-girl with long pink hair. "here is a popular example of a yandere in the anime world, yuno gasai."

the students excitedly murmured in recognition.

"so what drives a yandere, a lovestruck person to do the things they do? in some cases it's harmless admiration, in others it's the result of past trauma like abuse," you glanced at jungkook to see him listening intently, "obsessive behaviors can be caused by many disorders, such as: obsessive-compulsive, obsessional and delusional jealousy, erotomania, borderline personality and attachment disorder. i know it's a bit difficult to keep track, but i'm assigning you all an essay about obsessive love disorders and related murder cases. the details will be on the school's website, due the day after winter break. dismissed."

a deafening applause broke out in gratitude for the stretched deadline and you could see your professor laugh as he gathered his belongings. you walked out of the room hand in hand with jungkook to attend your other lectures, which you never looked forward to. laws, statistics, yada yada... you just wanted to learn the language of humans, not technology.

you wanted to learn about jungkook and his strangely possessive behavior, too.

the day went by and you couldn't help but look outside the window the moment you entered your dorm with jungkook tailing behind you. the dark trees outside slightly danced along to the wind as contrast to the bright, cloudy sky and it made you feel safe to be in the warmth of your room and boyfriend. you sighed in contentment, "i can't wait for winter break."

he wrapped his arms around your waist lovingly. he quietly asked as if to not ruin the comforting silence, "what are you going to do during break?"

you shrugged, "visit my family, i'll most likely celebrate christmas there."

he had his head placed on your shoulder as he nodded against you.

"what about you?"

he sighed through his nose, "maybe see my mom. haven't seen her in a long time."

"... how long?"

"like a year or something, she doesn't live that close to me anymore. she lives in the suburbs and i only stay there for a few days anyway."

your eyes lit up as an idea came to your mind instantly. "you know what we should do?"

he stopped trying to keep his eyes open as he became sleepier at the sound of your voice and warmth of your back. he groggily hummed.

"we should visit each other's parents!"

his eyes shot open, all feelings of exhaustion fading away instantly. he removed his hands from you and asked in surprise, "pardon?"

you turned around with excitement, your pearly whites on full display and eyes glistening. "we have like over a month to rest, we could at least meet them for a day or two, no?"

his breaths turned unsteady as his heart began to race at the thought of you meeting that witch. "my mom is not like your family, ayen. she- she is um, batshit crazy, yeah? she only likes spending time with me and my dad is- is not with us, right? so it wouldn't- you wouldn't enjoy your time there."

to say you were simply confused would be an understatement. you were overcome with worry at how panicked he was as he explained why you shouldn't come. you began to rub your hands against his arms as an attempt to soothe him and reassured, "it's okay jungkook, calm down. i know there's probably a language barrier between me and your mom, but i'm sure it'll be fine. it's not like she'll kill me, right?" you chuckled to lighten the mood.

he grabbed your hands that were still on his arms and shut his eyes tightly, deep in thought. after a pause he whispered, "promise you won't regret it?"

you pecked his lips before whispering back, "i promise."

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