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november 22nd

"i killed her," he whispered into your ear. "would you still love me if you knew?...probably not." he sighed.

it was the morning after you passed out while cuddling jungkook in your drunken state. both of you hadn't gotten that good of a rest lately, considering jungkook's bed was so comfortable that it felt like you were floating on a cloud. you originally dosed off on the hard ass couch, but jungkook was nice enough to carry you to his feminine bedroom. he hadn't made a single change to it in the past three years.

your eyes were still closed when he opened his. he couldn't stop staring at your features and eventually began to think through his relationship with you; although you would always manage to find ways to annoy him, his love for you had grown with each passing day - it was almost unfathomable. maybe opposites do attract.

he kept whispering sweet nothings to you for a romantic moment but you simply wouldn't budge - you had drunk too many shots. in order to make use of it, he decided to share some of his burdens with you - just to lift the weight on his chest really, he wasn't expecting a reaction from you nor did he want one. neither of you were ready for that talk.

"do you mean my tumour?" you stupidly joked with your eyes still closed.

he silently gasped at your sudden question. he widened his eyes and flinched away from you before forcing a chuckle. "well, duh. h-how long have you been awake?" he mentally cussed himself out for stuttering, his racing heart had erased all of his confidence.

you yawned before finally opening your eyes to smile at his disheveled appearance and frantic eyes. "since you mentioned love. what time is it?"

"e-eleven a.m." he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply to calm the fuck down. it was harder with you peering up at him while he was leaning on his propped hand. he had switched to his side to observe you better when he still thought you were asleep.

"shit, we slept a fuck lot. oh well, gotta go back to my dorm."

"why?" you pushed aside the comforter before stepping out of the bed.

"we have an afternoon lecture."

the moment you were out of his sight, you dropped the silly cutesy attitude. you weren't stupid enough to push his boundaries after what he'd said when you woke up, but it caused you to fall into deep thought as you got ready to leave. he's hiding something very serious.

could he have actually killed someone?

that day's lecture was surprisingly interesting. you hadn't been the least concerned with your major as of late, but the curriculum had started leading into juicier topics. you listened to the professor with your utmost attention.

"... and approaching the hostage-taker requires empathizing with them. to put it simply, you have to shut up and listen first-"

a guy in the front row raised his hand to get the professor's attention. "what if they refuse to talk?"

"then you have to ease them into it. like i said, hostage negotiation is a difficult procedure; you have to care for their emotions before their actions, you can't be a threat to the criminal. you have to be their friend."

the professor pulled up a video. "you'll get to see real taped footage of a hostage situation that took place in denver colorado, published by the abc news."

the whole crowd of students were silently watching the video to get clarification on the topic. there was a man holding a woman hostage outside of a convience store and twenty seconds in, the hostage taker was shot. before you could see what happened next, the video was paused.

"this is what you not do while negotiating. lack of communication and instant use of weapon only worsens the situation; granted, the tape is from 2002, but these strategies have been developing since late 20th century.

the job here is to calm down the criminal and compromise. the man in the tape was visibly scared as you can tell from his body language, maybe even more than the hostage. you have to understand their intentions and where they're coming from, and if they do refuse to co-operate, you have to do the talking. comparing their actions to your thoughts is one tactic, but you also need to appear harmless. think of it as a therapy session, don't go hard on them and make them comfortable enough to appear harmless as well. we'll get in more depth with it through a physical activity where you'll act out a hostage situation and have an introduction to stockholm syndrome by the end of tomorrow. dismissed."

while everyone began packing, you were still zoned out. you made a mental note to research more about it, not for the sake of your grades but because it interested you greatly. of course you'd heard about hostage negotiation before, but you hadn't thought about it the way your professor described it to be. shut up and listen. empathize and compromise. emotions before actions.

you finally returned to reality when jungkook poked your shoulder to get your attention. he mischievously smiled at you and asked, "wanna be my hostage?"

"wouldn't want to have it any other way."

french girl • j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now