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jungkook had convinced his mother to let him out by agreeing to wear his father's winter boots that he'd left before moving out. 

you were feeling a little uneasy about being around jungkook while he carried an actual fucking 9mm pistol in an isolated area, with the exception of a small barn that he didn't allow you to enter. "i thought hunters used crossbows?"

he scoffed at your amateur knowledge before retorting, "it's called handgun hunting babe. it just adds onto the fun."

it was embarrassing, but you couldn't help but blush at the pet name before reacting properly, "killing animals shouldn't be fun."

he rolled his eyes in response. "let me know if you see any rabbits or squirrels." he had his hands by his sides while one gripped onto the gun tightly, ready to pull the trigger at any given moment.

you gagged at the thought of eating rabbit meat. maybe eating chicken is normalized in most places, but you couldn't bring yourself to literally hunt. call it being soft, but it was too late for you to become a savage.

after half an hour of aimless walking in the biting cold, an army of birds flew away from several trees as a bunch of unexpected gunshots went off. you screamed as jungkook aimed at the sky, even making one or two crows go down. "what the fuck jungkook?!"

he was laughing at your fearful reaction while you watched him in disbelief. those hands that you had always admired taking such reckless actions without the care for another life almost scared you now. "well we couldn't find any animals so i decided to have some fun. come on, let's go find the dead ones! i swear i shot at least one."

you stayed still in shock while he jogged forward. after noticing the lack of footsteps following, he turned back to you. despite the cold, his body was burning with adrenaline, impatient to find bullet holes in the dead animals.

with a raised eyebrow, he asked, "you're not coming?"

instead of answering him, you started to walk back where you came from. maybe a bit too much happening in one day.

you could hear quick footsteps against the snow following you from behind as jungkook asked, "are you going back to the house?"

you merely nodded, still in a daze. you couldn't find the energy to look up at him as you followed the path of your previous footprints on the snow.

"did i scare you that much?" even without seeing him, you could tell he was pouting. "i didn't know you were scared of... well, what scared you exactly?"

your steps came to a halt as you turned your head to him. completely serious, you explained, "you just killed animals for fun, jungkook. that's fucked up, and you're even asking?" you inhaled deeply to calm yourself. the question you've been itching to ask finally left your mouth in the heat of the moment, "wh-why did your ex-girlfriend try to kill you?"

his face fell at that. "excuse me?"

"not soojin," you stammered. "the other girl."

he crossed his arms. "i've only had one girlfriend, ayen."

you bit your lip, second-guessing the words of mrs. jeon. "are you sure?"

"what did my mother tell you?"

your breath hitched at how easily he figured out who ratted him out. not like anyone else would know, but it felt like you betrayed her - like you weren't supposed to tell him you knew. in order to clean up your mess, you decided to lie. "she- she told me that i made you look livelier than any other girlfriend you've had, so- so i asked her how many you've had, and-"

"and then it slipped out of her mouth that one of them tried to kill me?"

you cursed under your breath. "i questioned her about it and i kept pressuring her to tell me more, but i went too far which made her eventually explode so i would shut the fuck up."

he didn't buy it. you knew he didn't, his intimidating eyes gave it all away.

he silently walked ahead of you and you followed suit.

you prayed on the way back for him to not speak a word of it to his mother, and you were more than relieved when he didn't say a word throughout the whole day.

december 23rd

jungkook had woken up earlier than you. you slowly opened your eyes to see him sitting on the edge of the bed while sketching. there were no other seats in the room, and given the newly-found tension between you two, you were glad he hadn't left the room for a more suitable place.

you had been tossing and turning the whole night without jungkook's warmth pressing against you. it was uncomfortable and out of routine to sleep without him spooning you, and you were feeling quite sad since he was being so cold and distant with you after the hunting. you didn't realize you had been moving around so much until you checked the time on your phone. you had stayed up until three in the morning, and it was quite the surprise when jungkook eventually wrapped his arms around your waist and pushed you against his firm chest. you found your peace, and finally drifted off to sleep with a smile.

with the courage of someone who just woke up, you asked with your husky voice, "what'cha drawing?"

he didn't react and silently held up his sketchbook to you. you were delighted to see yourself finally alive in his world of art, and a little flustered that he drew you naked with a ribbon wrapped around your body, a finishing knot on the top of your head. your body was shown off like a gift, lying down and presenting yourself with one arm spread out, knees slightly bent and the rest of you posing seductively.

"wow," you breathed. "are you telling me i don't need to buy you anything for christmas?"

though his face was still blank, corners of his lips curved upwards just enough for you to notice. "you're the best gift that i could ever ask for."

you grinned with a blush. "so you're not mad at me?"

he sighed, "i shouldn't be mad at you; i should be mad at myself for keeping secrets, ayen."

you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "what do you mean?"

"after soojin noona, i actually had a rebound. a girl named vanessa, who tried to kill me when we went hunting."

french girl • j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now