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"Friends," Oh no, that's all Eleanor can think. Because this is Veronica's – here comes what I think is a good idea but it's only me trying to get what I want – voice. "I have an exciting announcement to make. I'm running for student council president against Reggie The Misogynist Mantle."

Jughead groans, and mutters under his breath with his eyes only on his partner in crime sitting right next to him. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"If yesterday's dramatic events taught me anything is that Veronica lodge is not a victim." She continues. "Nor will she ever allow herself to be one."

"Your parents are taking over Riverdale, and now you wanna take over the school?" Jughead questions with a accusative tone, this time loud and clear. "So what is this? Part of Mommy and Daddy's evil bidding?"

Archie jumps to her defense right away, of course. "Jughead, I get that you're in a bad mood because you haven't eaten –."

"Actually, my parents think I should avoid the spotlight." Veronica tells him, and the black-haired boy leans in to what's coming next. "But I was born for elected office."

"Well we're supposed to support each other, right?" Ellie speaks up, her hand caressing Jughead's left arm in a comforting way. She faces him with a pleading look, she's not backing down, but if they wanna fight the Lodges' patriarchy, they gotta change their approach. "So, we here for you, Veronica, if you really wanna do this."

"Right, you got our vote." Betty smiles.

Archie agrees. "Yeah, team Ronnie all the way."

"E, as my guardian angel, it would mean a lot to me," Veronica approaches her blonde friend, and finally pops the question. "if you would me by running mate?"

"Me?" Ellie clears her throath in surprise as she points to herself, her eyes drifting to Jughead right next to her, and he has this look of desbelief on his face as he rolls his eyes at how Veronica is trying to get Ellie on her side right under his nose. "I'm not sure, V."

"Please, accept this as our way to make our peace."

Ellie sighs, and smiles at her. "Fine."

Of course, Eleanor felt bad for what happened to Veronica yesterday and that's part of the reason why she said yes, but she also knows – because she learnt the hard way – that fighting Veronica won't bring them any closer to bring Hiram down.

Besides, Veronica was there for Ellie when she struggled with the whole figuring-out-she-was-Jughead's-first-love and she never told anyone, not even when they were arguing back at the cabin. She stood by Ellie's side, and that's a loyalty she wants to repay somehow.

"Are you serious?" That's the first thing Jughead tells her when they are left alone in the students' lounge. "Come on, Ellie, that was a politic act on plain sight."

"Jug, Veronica is our friend, and you saw what Ethel did to her yesterday –."

"I know you have the biggest heart, Ellie, but you gotta look at this straight," He turns so he can face her completely, and then he continues with a warning. "what better move than to get a Serpent to run for student body president with the Lodges' daughter? Huh?"

"It's not like that." Ellie rolls her eyes, and falls back down on the couch.

Jughead scoffs. "Of course it is like that, there's always some ulterior motive with them."

"Can you trust me?" She titles her head to the side so she can look at him now, and it's not just Reggie that struggles to say no to her. Maybe that's just an affect she has on everyone. "I know what I'm doing, they're not getting to me, Jug."

I'm Darkness || Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones [2]Where stories live. Discover now