If Only

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A/N: Read the note in the end please!! Thanks! 

Eleanor was lying down on her side, her head slightly high so she could watch Archie sleep next to her – and what a beautiful image it was. She could stay like that all day long.

But suddenly the small monster on her head woke up, and controlled her thoughts as usual. It was used to control her doubt. The doubt, just by itself, was stupid and didn't make any sense, at least that's what Ellie kept telling herself. The monster, though, is smart. It's always watching, and, even in that moment, when she was completely sure of the choice she had made, completely sure of Archie, the monster unchained the doubt and even tho Ellie wanted to control it, she couldn't stop the thought of Jughead to cross her mind.

"Hey, you're up." Archie yawned.

"Hey there."

"I missed to wake up like this." He buried his face on her neck, planting there a small kiss; he pulled away again, noticing her strange features, "What is it?"

"Nothing, I'm just thinking..." Ellie let her head fall down on the pillow.

"About what happened with Jughead?" Archie layed on his side to watch her, and when she didn't answer, he continued, "Look, I bet he's sorry. He loves you, he wouldn't do anything –."

"I know." She faced him, "But hearts aren't meant to be broken a million times, Arch."

The blonde knew what she had just said was unfair, specially to Jughead. The dark-haired boy was really paying for the accumulation of heartbreak that Ellie had gone through, he had been the last drop in a ocean of pain, and so the entire sea put the blame only on him.

"So that means this is my last chance?" He leaned closer, a smile opening on his face.

"I guess it is mine too."

Archie kissed her lips softly, "I'm happy we're back to normal, El. I love you."

There was no normal. There never had been, Eleanor thought to herself. Normal was the biggest lie Archie and her had ever spoken, specially about their relationship. And yet, she found herself kissing his lips and lying once again,

"Yeah, normal. I love you too, Arch."

"Look, I have to go help my Dad at Pop's." Archie told her, pulling the covers away from them, so he could stand up, "You can stay if you want."

Ellie sat on the matress, "No. I'll go too. I still have to wrap up some presents."

"Oh," He turned around, while pulling up his jeans, "are you my secret Santa?"

"You wish." She chuckled.

"Who is it then?" He wondered, curious.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Ellie stood up, "Archie Andrews."

"Fair enough."

Archie closed the front door behind him, and walked Ellie to her own door, just then leaving to Pop's, where he would me meeting Jughead, actually.

When Eleanor walked inside, she found only her mother standing behind the kitchen's balcony. The woman gave her a smile, knowing better than to question her daughter's whereabouts that night.

"Do you want something to eat, hunny?"

"No, thanks, Mom." Ellie sat on the high chair, "I'm – I'm good."

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