Jughead's World

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Eleanor was alone at her room, Betty had gone to the Southside, seeing she had the amazing idea of throwing FP a retirement party. Not that Ellie thought it would change anything; and, actually, she didn't really want it to. She spent the whole day thinking about FP and how he was leaving the Serpents, and realized it would give Jughead's family a new chance.

Ellie's phone started ringing on the desk, and she rushed to it, the thought that it could be Archie made her almost smile, only it wasn't. It was a unkown number.

"Hello?" She answered, scared it was the Black Hood.

"Ellie Cooper, am I right?"

Ellie's face dropped when she recognized the voice on the other side, anger rushing over to her in the same moment. It was the Snake charmer.

"Penny," She spat, "what do you want? And how the hell did you get my number?"

"That is the least of your problems, Ellie." The woman replied, a hint of a smile on her voice, "I bet Jughead already filled you in on the little lie I told him."

"What lie?" Eleanor frowed, pacing through her room.

"Oh, so he didn't tell you? Didn't you notice FP's very healthy face?" Penny mocked, "I bet you did. Well the Ghoulies never touched him. Surprise!"

The memories rushed to Ellie.

"Jug, your Dad looks good. Seems like the Ghoulies didn't take it so hard on him." She touched his arm, "At least that's good."

He looked down at her, knowing full well that if he told her about Penny and what she had on them, Ellie would make it a mission to take it back on the woman, and end up hurt.

So, Jughead nodded, playing the part.

"Yeah. It was a little worse when I went to visit him but it almost seems like never happened, right?"

"So Penny used the money, that was something." Ellie sighed, leaning against the wall, "I actually thought she would bail on us."

"I told you, it would work out fine." Jughead replied, "Why don't you ever believe me?"

"Cause' your ideas always suck."

"I understand that you're hurt, disappointed, bla bla but I actually need your help." Penny rolled her eyes from the other side of the phone, "I'm at Pop's waiting for you."

"Why would I do anything you want?" Ellie snapped, "You don't own me and I sure as hell don't owe any more favors."

"That's where you're wrong, Ellie." The woman warned, "You don't really know what you got yourself into this time. But I'll explain it to you, let's say in... ten minutes?"

Penny didn't wait for Eleanor to reply and turned off the call, leaving the blonde girl standing alone in her room, facing herself in the mirror – and what a picture it was.

Ellie saw who she is, or who she thinks she is. Cause' she is strong, but not in the ways most people think – like making her way over to Pop's, that she could do, but swallow her feelings? That was tougher –. She loves more than she'll ever get back and, deep down, Ellie had accepted it, she knew it. And yet, she loves anyway.

Eleanor walked into Pop's, her eyes searching for Penny Peabody, and found her sitting down at a booth all by herself. She walked there, hesitantly.

"Hello there."

Ellie sat down in front of her, "Just get this over with."

"So, you may wanna see this." Penny pushed the phone to her, a video playing on the screen, "Jughead didn't told you."

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