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Ellie's standing in front of the Whyte Wyrm that morning, and it's not because Jughead called her but thankfully Toni thought it was the best call to make, because if they are gonna get through this, and get Fangs out of this mess, the Serpents need to stay together.

Jughead's currently talking with Archie on the phone behind them, and she doesn't need to turn around to know he's beyond pissed. And rightfully so, they slashed their tires and set a dumpster on fire, and Ellie still can't believe Reggie would do this.

"Hey," Toni calls her attention, and she turns to face her. "how are things with you and Jughead? You guys had any chance to talk?"

"Chances? Definitely." Ellie sighs. "If only he would talk to me."

"He'll come around, he always does."

"I know, but we're in the brick of war." She looks over to where the dark-haired boy is, still on his phone. She shakes her head, and continues. "We need to be fine now more than ever. And I definitely can't do this with him mad at me,"

"What happened?" Toni finally asks, she's curious about what got the two best friends fighting this time if not their obvious feelings towards each other like last time.

Ellie takes a deep breath, before coming clean. "He found out I was taking pills. And we yelled at each other, but..." She finally looks back to her friend, who's paying her full attention. "It wasn't the fact that I was taking pills... Jughead was mad that I didn't come to him." Ellie shakes her head, and looks down. "And he's right, but I couldn't..."

"You didn't want to disappoint him, I get it." Toni places one hand on the blonde's shoulder, and continues. "The love you and Jughead have for each other can get through anything, he just needs time. You guys are gonna figure this out, I promise."

Ellie sighs at the though of them not working it out, because that terrifies her more than anything in the world. She knows she can get through anything as long as he stands by her, and she knows this because investigating the possibility of her Dad being the Black Hood without him there to support her, that's messing with her head.

"Hey, Archie claims he wasn't there." Jughead lets them know, when he approaches them.

"Ah I called Attorney McCoy, she has agreed to meet us." Ellie tells him, and gestures with a warning. "But we should get going, she said she would be by the Police Station in ten minutes."

"Ok." He nods, and it's the nicest he has been to her lately. "Let's go."

. . .

"Hey," They turn around at the sound of the familiar voice, and meet the woman. "where is he?"

Ellie smiles at her. "Thanks for coming, Attorney McCoy."

"Yeah, he's inside." Jughead gestures towards the Police Station, and leads the way ahead.

They burst through the building, and the woman takes the lead from now on. She knows her way around that place, and quickly gets them to reach the interrogation room where Fangs is being drained until he confesses, and that's something Ellie fears he might do.

"Don't say another word." Attorney McCoy speaks up as she slams the door open, interrupting the interrogation the new Sheriff was leading. She steps forward, the two best friends slightly behind her. "I'll be representing Mr. Fogarty and I would appreciate it if you would stop harassing my client."

Sheriff Minetta doesn't have another option but to let Fangs leave the interrogation room, even though he goes back to his cell. But at least now they can talk to him, and give him a chance of fighting these accusations.

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