What Happened

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Hello guys, I posted today as promised. I'll be posting during this week. Also I have a confession, it took me some time to decide if Ellie should kiss Sweet Pea. At first, when I wrote the chapter it was supposed to be Jughead she kissed, but I figured a lot of you would be pissed at the best friend thing, and honestly it would ruin the thing they have in this moment with the Serpents. Just letting that out.

Now, enjoy your reading!

Eleanor looked different when she walked the streets that morning.

It wasn't just for her new jacktet, or even her new tatto. It was her hair too, she had gone that far. Polly always treasured long hair, and so Ellie forced herself to grow it. Looking back at it, she always seemed to go by what other people were doing, what other people liked.

So she cut the problem from the root, including her hair, actually Toni did it. It was slightly under her shoulders now, framing perfectly the shape of her face, still covered by fresh injuries.

"From now on, keeping the Southside under control is my number one priority as mayor. If it means arresting every single Serpent in sight, starting at that high school, then so be it."

Eleanor closed the door behind her, all eyes turning to face her. Her living room was crowded, but it was Mayor McCoy's eyes that flashed with surprised at her the most – starting at her short hair, then her injuries and all the way to the familiar jacket.

But it was Alice's voice that sounded loud and clear, "What is that?"

"What is this?" Ellie stepped forward, now everyone noticing clearly what the woman was referring to, "Setting up a plot in our living room against the Serpents? In case you forgot, you are one yourself."

"I was one. Those days are gone." Her Mom looked her up and down, "Where do you expect to go with this? What are you trying to prove?"

"I'm trying to prove nothing, at least not to you."

"Are you a Serpent, Ellie?" Josie's mother looked at her with disgust.

"Yes, Mayor McCoy." Eleanor held out her wrists in a provocative way, "Am I under arrest?"

The woman breathed through her nose in a angry way, and looked over to her daughter right away, "Let's go, Josephine. Now!"

"Weren't you arresting every single Serpent in sight?" She continued to press the Mayor, turning around to face the woman leaving in a hurry.

"Eleanor!" Alice held her arm strongly, "That's enough!"

"Don't forget" Ellie turned to face McCoy one more time, "who helped bring to justice the man who murdered Jason Blossom. I'm may be a Serpent but what did you do to catch Jason's killer?"

"Nothing of that –."

"That's right, Mayor McCoy." She looked at the woman stone cold, "You did nothing."

"Let's go!" And she dragged Josie out of the house, being followed by Sheriff Keller and the others soon after.

Alice didn't say much, she turned her back on her daughter with a disappointed shake of her head. It made her feel something deep down – regret. She didn't want to be such a disappointment to her mother, and maybe it was because she was used to being the perfect daughter and nothing more, but now she was doing all the wrong choices that seemed so right at her eyes. She didn't suspect a thing.

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