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"Thanks for inviting us." Archie smiled.

"Not at all. There's always place at out table for Veronica's friends." Hermione replied.

"I wanted to say thanks for helping my Dad the way you did."

"We were happy to." Hiram smiled at the redhead.

Ellie swallowed down her food, to keep something from coming out of her mouth – something unpleasant that she wouldn't like anyone to hear.

She still remembered how Hiram Lodge talked her into pushing Archie to go ahead with the Red Circle – she regretted it – and how he pushed her a little bit more into the darkness. He wasn't the only one to blame, but Ellie found herself blaming him first.

"In return tho, I've been putting up a welcoming to tomorrow's arrivals and..." Veronica eyed the couple, "I'm hoping you will both stand by my side."

"Uh... Sure." Archie eyed the blonde, searching for her answer as well.

"Yeah, as long as the Serpents get well welcomed, I'm there."

"It'll be really important to have you there, E." The raiven haired girl smiled widely, "You, being a Serpent, and staying by our side, it means they can trust us."

Ellie nodded.

"Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, what do you think about Southside closing?" Archie asked, under his girlfriend's worrying look, "I mean it's so close to the SoDale project... Isn't it... like bad for business?"

"Drugs, gangs, violence. That's bad for business, Archie."

"Do you mean the Serpents, Mr. Lodge?" Ellie found herself replying.

"Not like you are thinking, Eleanor." Hiram explained, "But the truth is... there are drugs being consumed there, there is a gang, which I respect, but that inniciates violence."

"So this is good for your business...?" The blonde continued to force information, "Is that it?"

"In a certain way, yes."

"So that means investors like the St. Clairs are ok with that?" Archie questioned.

Everyone's face changed, and it was Veronica who answered.

"Archie, the St. Clairs aren't investors, not anymore. Not after what Nick did to Cheryl."

"Yeah, what happened to him? Did he ever get charged?"

"You know, we cut all ties with the St. Clairs." Hermione answered, "I don't think we even called them after the accident."

"Accident?" Eleanor narrowed her eyes, confused, "What accident?"

"Nick St. Claire suffered a accident driving in Vail or was it somewhere else?" He looked to his wife who shrugged slightly, "You know, I'm not sure."

Archie looked down at his food, swallowing, "Is he... ok?"

"From all the reports he's good enough to go back to Greenwich Prep." Mrs. Lodge explained.

"Well," Ellie spoke up with a giant smile, "can't say I feel sorry for him."

"May we never hear from him again."

Veronica held up her cup and Ellie met her half way, and they toasted to Nick St. Claires' karma under everyone's eyes, much to Hiram Lodge's pleasure.

Next day, Veronica and Eleanor were as close as nail and flesh.

Archie was standing next to them, ready to welcome the Southside students as well, only he wasn't wearing a Serpents' jacket like Ellie was – and with a big smile on her face.

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