Lies And Secrets

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Eleanor was sitting peacefully on the cabin's porch. She was sipping her morning coffe and enjoying the view. For a moment she forgot who it belonged to, the Lodges. She shook her head at the thought, she wouldn't let Hiram Lodge ruin her entire weekend.

"Hey." Veronica's soft voice called her attention. She looked up at her still friend. "How did you sleep tonight?" She took the place on the comfortable couch next to Ellie. "I had some hard time falling asleep because of Betty and Jughead's loud night."

"Yeah. Looks like they worked things out."

"I didn't know they had taken that kind of step in their relationship." Veronica commented, taking a sip from her own coffe. "Betty didn't quite tell me."

"Yeah, the night of your confirmation." Eleanor still remembered that night, the worst of her life. The glimpse of the blood across her kitchen floor that night made her feel sick for a moment. She stood up abruptly. "I... I need to go for a walk to get some fresh air."

"No, wait." Veronica stood up as well, concerned for her friend's wellbeing. Eleanor didn't look ok and the raiven-haired girl wasn't sure why. "Is this about what I did last night? I said I was sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I swear, E!"

"No, Veronica." Ellie turned to face her one last time. "Not everything is about you."

"Ellie!" She tried to call out but in vain.

Eleanor had left the cup of coffe on the porch's table and climbed down the small stairs, aiming her walk to the woods. She was in desesperate need of fresh air, her lungs imploring for it. She was starting to feel that familiar crushing feeling on her chest, and this time she didn't had the wrong escape to turn to. Or any escape really.

She was already further into the woods when she recognized the two figures standing only a couple of feet away. Somehow her breathing got back to normal quickly, so Ellie was able to approach Archie Andrews and Adams, the FBI guy.

"What is going on here?"

Archie turned around to face the familiar voice. "Ellie."

He could see hope in her big green eyes behind all the confusion. He remembered she still knew that man standing with him as Agent Adams. Archie could also tell how she was hopeful he was still trying to bring Hiram down and it had all been a strategy, a big nightmare. And he couldn't believe he would have to disappoint Ellie again.

"You are still working with Adams?" She pointed, and approached them.

"No, I'm not." Archie looked down in shame. "His name is Adams but he works for Mr. Lodge."

"Wait what?" Eleanor glanced up at the man trying to make sense of all of it. Archie saw as her face changed as all the pieces came together. "He played us." Her eyes accused Adams right away, her voice rose up. "You are the reason my war with Hiram Lodge started."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Cooper." He almost shrugged but ended up just smiling. "It was my job."

Ellie shook her head in disappointment, her eyes now facing the redheaded. "And you lied to me. You had so many opportunities and you lied. So many lies!"

"El, I can explain." Archie tried to reach out to her. "I didn't want you to –."

"Save it!" She cried out. "I don't want to hear any more lies, Archie! I'm tired!"

"Guys." Veronica's voice surprised them. They all turned around to face the raiven-haired girl approaching them in desbelief. "What is going on here?"

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