Hey, will we make it out alive?

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I walked past Kyoko and Chihiro, who were both dragging toko to a dorm.

I forgot she passed out...


I passed a door with my name on it.

["Huh. That's my name."]

I kept walking.

. . !

I walked BACKWARDS just to see the door.

''Why me..?''

. . .

''That means it's yours.'' Kyoko said.

All of a sudden she was behind me.

I screamed like a girl.

''Sorry if I startled you, I was just letting you know." She looked at me.

"Oh! Yeah, it's fine. I get scared easily, I guess."

"I'll be on my way." Kyoko turned around, walking away.

"Oh..See you!"

She lifted up her hand.

I guess that's a 'See you later'..?

I opened the door to my dorm, ready to face a nightmare.

. . . !


The room was actually pretty nice..

How long WERE we going to stay here?

Suddenly, I heard a noise.

A loudspeaker? No, it sounds like an alarm..? What is it?

(Ding dong bing bong!)

A high-pitched voice spoke.

-"Heeelllooo everyone!"-

. . .

-"It is now 7PM!"-

["Who's this..? Where's Junko...?"]

-"Do you like your new rooms?"-

-"We made them just for you guys!"-


-"Oh! Speaking about your rooms.."-

-"All showers will be shut off at 10PM sharp."-


-"You better take one now! You don't want to smell...or even look dirty for the gameshow!"-

["The gameshow..."]

-"Bye-onara! Puhuhuhuhu!"-



["....Was that..?"]

I should take a shower. 

I still have two hours, but I should take one.

...Or was it three hours?

(Makoto took a shower.)

(I'm not writing how he takes a shower for you weirdos ggrr bark bark)

["I feel a lot better!"]

(Ding dong bing bong!)

! ! !

-"Heeeelllooo again!"-

["Hello again...you...?"]

-"It is now 10PM!"-

["...Who are you?"]

-"All showers are off, and all dorms are locked until 7AM!"-

-"Breaking anything of any sort is strictly prohibited!"-


-"...And the cameras!~"-

I quickly looked up.

There was a security camera.

Right there.

A security camera.

. . .

-"I bet most of you didn't notice it until now!"-

! ! !

-"That's fine! At least you felt comfortable for a bit!"-

["Is there...?!"]

-"Oh! And NO! There are NO cameras in the bathroom!"-

["....Stop reading my mind, Mr. Voice."]

-"We respect your privacy!"-

-"Oh! That's all the time I have.."-


-"Sleep tight,"-

-"Don't let the bedbugs bite!~"-


I layed down on my bed.

["..This is  a nightmare."]

["I can't believe we're being forced to do this."]

I stared at the ceiling.

. . .


I said, talking to myself.

"Will we make it out alive..?"

Danganronpa: The Ultimate Despair Gameshow!Where stories live. Discover now