"Writing is my talent"

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I groaned, getting up due to the morning announcement.

I just wanna sleep all day at this point.

I got dressed into an outfit similar to the one Kyoko was wearing when I talked to her.

Plain white shirt, And pants that looked like it belonged to sans /hj.

Tomorrow was the day. The second round.

I don't wanna see anyone else die. I'm still struggling with Chihiro's death.

All of these feelings are piling on top of me...It was my fault that they died.

I answered the questions correctly. All of them. I didn't even know what I was saying.

Hajime got hurt, too. I'm pretty sure that the cuts he had all over his arm was still there.

....Since one of his arms are bandaged. Like, the entire thing.

It kind of looked like a long, fingerless glove.

Yeah, those. It looked cool on him, too. I can't look at him the same way ever since he demolished Byakuya and his BS.

I should try talking to Toko today.

She probably wants absolutely nothing to do with me, but I can try getting some conversation out of her.

I also need to grow closer to everyone so I don't get voted off.


What? No, don't think that. You need to get everyone out of here. You need to think for everyone, not just yourself.

I should go talk to Toko, though.

I barely know her at this point. Like some sort of background character that only got 5 minutes of screentime.

(fourth wall = broken 👹👹👹👹👹)



I walked out of my dorm, heading down the hallway. I didn't feel like wearing that Sans cospl- Gym uniform looking outfit so I just had jeans and a black sweater.

White shirt under it, though. Nobody wears a sweater alone.


I arrived at Toko's dorm. 


The door opened...?!

"W-What d-do y-ou want?!" She glared at me.

"I just thought we could talk, since I barely know you and stuff."

She considered it, and let me in. Surprisingly, she actually wanted to talk to someone that wasn't Byakuya.

"So, how's it going with Byakuya?" I started.

She sighed. "He hates me, but I don't blame him..." 

She isn't stuttering?-

"O-Oh...I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright. I usually write to ignore that fact, though...I-It helps me.." She picked up a book.

"W-Wanna see it?"

I smiled, nodding. She gave me the book and I read through the first few pages.

It was a love story between these characters who were named Ron and Harmony.

(shhhh its not harry potter and thats not hermoine 👹👹👹)

The story took place in America, so that explains their names. But overall, it was good so far. I'd read it anytime!

"W-Well? I-I bet you think it's g-garbage.." She looked down.

"No, actually, it's really good! Do you specialize in writing?"

She stared at me, shocked, but smiled a bit. "W-Well, I was g-given the title of the U-Ultimate Writing Prodigy."

"No wonder, you're really good at writing!"

"Y-Yeah..." She took the book back, reading through it.

"W-Who's your favorite s-so far?" She looked back up at me.

"Oh, I really like Ron. He's a super nice guy. Harmony's dad, however, is real mean. I hate him."

"O-Oh! I also l-like Ron. H-Harmony's father gets b-better later on.." She kept reading her own work.

"Really? I'll keep reading! If you want to let me borrow the book, of course.."

She nodded. "I-I'll let you b-borrow it. J-Just don't d-do anything bad to the b-book."

"Understood, I'll protect it with my life!"

She gave me the book, and I read through it. After each chapter, we talked about the characters and laughed at a few dumb things about them. She didn't take it as criticism, and she didn't get offended. She actually liked talking about it.

It was fun, and interesting.

....Until someone knocked on the door.

"C-Coming!" Toko ran to the door, opening it.

"S-Sir!" She almost yelled, in shock. Byakuya was in front of the door, and stared at me.

I was pretending to read the book, only because I was looking at Byakuya. He didn't notice that I was staring at him. I decided to actually read the chapter so me and Toko could talk about it. I was also listening to Byakuya.

"Why is he here?" Byakuya said, clearly annoyed.

"I-I was just t-talking to him.." Toko looked down.

"Well, get him out. You want my attention, don't you?" He stared at me.

I gently closed the book, putting it to the side. I got off of the couch and walked towards Toko, putting my hand on her shoulder. I looked Byakuya in his cold, evil-looking eyes.

"Oh, so you're using her?"




I regret saying that.

Toko looked shocked, and Byakuya stared at me. He stared at me as if I was actually right about that.

"Get. Him. Out." He glared at me.

Toko shook her head. "I-I'm sorry, b-but..!"

"I came here before you. I don't even know why she'd even want to hang around someone like you. You're mean, cold-hearted. You don't even CARE about her, so why are you here?"

Byakuya sighed. "I guess I'll give you an explanation."

"I actually came for Makoto." He crossed his arms.

"You literally just had to say that you needed me, was that hard?" I glared at him. 

He shook his head. "Fine. I'm sorry, Fukawa. I need to borrow Naegi." 

"T-That's f-fine.." She stared at me.

"Hey, we can talk about the 19th chapter later! Or tomorrow, it depends how long this is gonna take..."

She smiled, then nodded. "R-Right...D-Don't forget t-to take the book w-with you.."

I smiled, walking back to the couch and picked up the book. I then walked back outside to meet Byakuya.

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