Kirigiri Kyoko

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It's midnight.

It pains me to think that I was supposed to meet up with Byakuya and Kyoko right now.

...Because Kyoko was dead.

I sighed, dragging myself off of the bed and into the hallwau.

I could go anyways. Even if Byakuya wouldn't be there, I could always talk to Kokichi.

I'd rather take the 5 minute walk than anything. I don't wanna see the place where I last saw Kyoko before she...


I heard a door open, then close. Where was it?

I looked behind me.


....I don't trust this. I should hurry.

I started running toward the library.

When I got there, Byakuya was sitting at the table we usually sat at with Kokichi.

"Look, he actually came!" Kokichi pointed at me, grinning like a child who just got a piece of cake.

Well he had Fa— Panta, so.

"You came, despite Kyoko's death?" He stared at me.

I slowly nodded, getting up and stumbling toward the seat as Byakuya and Kokichi watched me.

When I sat down, Byakuya spoke up. "And you came while you're in bad shape? You should have stayed in bed, Naegi."

I just nodded. At this point, I didn't know how to start anything. Kyoko wasn't here to help, either.

"So now what?" Kokichi drank some of his Panta.

"We should, uhm, figured out who killed Kyoko. They could be a danger to everyone else, and it's against the rules for Junko to kill one of the participants." Kokichi put his arms behind his head (that one sprite), leaning back into his chair.

"Really? She can't kill us?" Byakuya seemed to be reading the book I returned to him, but he was still listening.

He nodded, bringing out a piece of paper and sliding it across the table to us. "See the rules?"

I read through the rules, which I already know, but the last rule was different.

"Mastermind Decoys and the True Mastermind cannot harm/kill any of the participates unless it is for punishment and/or execution....?"

"Yeah, so she basically can't kill us for no reason. You get it?" Kokichi rested his foot on the table.

I nodded, reading through that again.

Mastermind Decoys and the True Mastermind cannot harm/kill any of the participates unless it is for punishment and/or execution.


Something's not right.

I read it again.

Mastermind Decoys and the True Mastermind cannot harm/kill any of the participates unless it is for punishment and/or execution.

"Mastermind Decoys?"

"I assume that they meant Junko and Chiaki. They were both Decoys." Byakuya closed his book, putting it to the side.

"No, that's wrong!" 

(haha funni protagonist quote go brr)

"What? What's wrong about that?" He stared at me.

"Chiaki was a traitor.  The mastermind rules don't apply to the traitor."

Kokichi laughed. "Isn't 'Koto, like, dumber than you? What a JOKE!"

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