Twelve o'clock Meeting

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I waited an hour for this.

Well, no, I was actually lucky enough to wake up at exactly 11:54 PM.

I got off of my bed (still in pajamas, wearing only socks) and opened my door a bit.

Nobody was there.

Alright, so I'm in the clear.

The library was a 5 minute walk, 3 minutes if I ran halfway there, and 1 if I ran after the dormitory.

I silently walked past all of the dorms without waking anyone up, then literally made a run for it.

When I got to the library, I slipped.

Socks didn't go well with smooth, wooden flooring.

"You could've at LEAST put some shoes on." Byakuya stared at me.

Kyoko laughed a bit. "Let him be, it's about to be midnight and the showers are off, anyways. Did you take a shower, Naegi?"

"Ah- Yes, I'm not Toko."

Byakuya obviously found that funny because he 1: Choked on his tea, and 2: Laughed hysterically.

Did I mention that we all conveniently had drinks?

Byakuya had Tea, Kyoko had Coffee (as always)...

....And I literally had Apple Juice.

Still a drink, though.

I got up, brushing the dirt off of my shorts.

I then sat down.

I looked at the time.

12:00 AM.


"Right, let's get started." Kyoko pulled out her notepad and pen.

"So we've figured out his name." Byakuya stated.

Kyoko nodded, writing it down.

"According to Naegi, it was a broadcast directly to his brain." Byakuya continued.

"That sounds absurd." He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I wasn't the one who thought of that!"

"Then who did?"

"The voice."

"Apologies, fellas. Let's get back to work." Byakuya took a sip of his tea, sitting cross-legged.

"I say we should start finding clues on where this student may be hidden."

"He's here? With us?" Kyoko looked up from her notepad.

I nodded. "He told me. We were talking about school once and he said that he was stuck here, I think."

"Ah." She wrote something down on the notepad.

"So we're going with Naegi's plan or not?" Byakuya looked over at Kyoko, who was drinking her coffee and writing.

"Yes, we should also find hidden rooms while we're at it." Kyoko said.

"Hidden rooms?"

Byakuya leaned a bit closer to Kyoko, whispering. "You didn't tell him?"

"No, I thought you told him!" She whispered back.

I can literally hear you guys.

Byakuya shook his head. "We found a hidden room, so there must be more."

"Can we investigate it?"

"Not now, I'm still writing." Kyoko sighed.

"What part you on?"

"Plan notes." She took a sip of her coffee.

Oh, so she's almost done.

She closed her notepad and pushed it to the side, along with her pen, and grabbed her coffee.

"Alright, we can show him now."

They led me toward the very back of the library, then pulled a book.


The bookshelf moved out of the way and opened a door!

We went inside, but Kyoko stopped right in front of the doorframe.

"Kyoko? What's wrong?"

No response.

I walked inside of the room and....




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