Escape from Reality

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We walked down the hallway. It was awkward. He didn't say anything, and neither did I.

"Uh, what did you need me for?" I tried to start conversation.

I assume we were walking to his room, since we were going far down the hallway.

But the dorms stopped a while ago.

"I need to talk to you about....your health recently." He began.




No way.

Was he actually concerned?

He's not even a doctor.

I refuse to believe that.

"O-Oh! Really? Why?"

"It seemed strange. You'd have little breakdowns constantly, and you don't seem to remember them." He said, we were still walking down the hallway.

We took a turn, I didn't even realize there was more to this building.

"I had...breakdowns?"


He nodded. "It was harsh, too. One of them, which was during the first round, was stabbing yourself."

"I....stabbed myself....?"

I couldn't have.

Kyoko said the same thing, but I didn't believe her.

Were they pranking me? It's not even funny.

"Yes, I didn't even expect it myself. You just stabbed yourself out of nowhere." He actually looked concerned.

I scratched my head. "I don't remember that...I only remember blacking out. That's what Hajime and Chiaki told me."

"Hinata and Nanami were told to cover it up until you remembered what happened to Fujisaki." He kept talking, leading me through the cafeteria. I didn't even know there was a cafeteria.

"And now that I remembered, Kyoko told me..?"

He nodded. "Kirigiri and I were in charge of telling you, since Hinata and Nanami couldn't bring themselves to saying it. They're scared that you'd have another breakdown and hurt yourself."

"....And I did."

He sighed, bringing me into a library. We sat down at a table Kyoko was at.

She was reading a book.

"Oh, so you actually brought him?" She looked up.

Byakuya nodded.

"Uhm, what did you guys need me for..?"

"Nothing much, we're just trying to figure out what was wrong with you. None of us here are doctors, but I've been doing research." She put the book she was reading next to her. She also had a notepad and a pen. I'm assuming she wrote down what she thought was wrong with me.

"And did you get anything?"

"Well," She began.

"Some of the books are saying that you could go insane from the shock of something. Like, you want to forget it, so you drive yourself away from reality." She took another book and started to read it.

"I think. That sounds like fiction, but it also sounds true." She then closed the book, putting it down on a pile of even more books.

"Insanity = Doing the same thing over and over again—" Byakuya spoke up.

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