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(Ding dong bing bong!)

-"Gooood Morning competition!"-

I quickly shot up, as if I had some sort of nightmare.


-"The first round will begin soon!"-

-"Now, if you would please put on the clothing given to you in your closet.."-

I got up, tiredly walking toward the closet across the room.

There it was, a suit that looked like it was made just for me.

(A/N: imagine the suit however you'd like, there is no canon design for my AU's makoto and other characters,, they just have their normal hairstyles, other than kyoko and nagito. Kyoko's hair is out into a bun and nagito has a ponytail......very hot hairstyles for the two people i simp for)

-"This is the uniform, you could say, you'll be wearing for the gameshow!"-

-"But get ready before you put it on..and don't dirty it!"-

-"You don't wanna know what happens when you dirty it...Upupupu~!"-

The voice sounded like it was joking about that part. Was something really going to-


(A/N: hey voice give me a /j rn 😟✌️)

["There goes my hope for figuring out if it was a joke or not."]

(Makoto walked toward the bathroom, doing the normal stuff you do while getting ready.)

I walked toward the door, I was ready to leave but..

I heard something from outside.

"Chiaki, help me catch him!" A voice said.

"Yeah, yeah. Hold on.." A tired Voice said.

"NAGITO!" The first voice yelled. 

It sounded like they were chasing someone.

"Sorry, Hajime! I need this!" A new voice said.

I quickly opened the door. What was going on?!

. . ?

There stood Chiaki, staring at me. She had a GameGirl Portable in her hand.

"Oh...Hey." She said.

"You must be Makoto." She paused her game.

"Oh—! Yes, that's me! You're Chiaki right?"

She nodded.

. . .


"What's going on with them?"

We both looked over at Nagito and Hajime, who were both fighting.

"It's pretty dumb, actually. Nagito was going to borrow a hair clip from Hajime, but Hajime's throwing a tantrum over it. He's protecting it like it's his own child."

I laughed at Chiaki's comment. "Those two really are something.."

She nodded, smiling.

"Hey, Hajime! You can trust Nagito, you're the least person he'd want to bug and break their belongings!" Chiaki called out.

Hajime sighed, letting go of Nagito's hair.


Nagito laughed a bit, getting up and brushing off the bit of dirt on his pants.

"You can keep it. Only because I don't want you asking for a hair clip from that psycho." Hajime glared at Nagito. Did he mean Junko?

Nagito smiled. "Ah— Thank you, Hajime. It's an honor t—"

"Don't start." Hajime snapped.

"To be honest, I think Nagito and Junko would get along just fine. They'd ramble about Hope and Despair. They're really no different." A voice said, coming closer to the group.

It was the Shark— Kazuichi!

"I don't like her. I won't forgive her for what she's doing to everyone. Despair is only a stepping stone for hope, anyways. It always will be." Nagito frowned.

Hajime sighed. "Uh-huh. Yeah, Kazuichi?"

"Yeah?" Kazuichi said.

"Go back to your Sonia Shrine." He glared at Kazuichi. 

["Man, he is mean."]

"HUH?! HOW D— WHAT SHRINE?! I WOULD NEVER!" Kazuichi screamed.

"Go BA—"  Hajime got cut off.

"Could you people tone it down? I'm trying to read." Byakuya walked toward the group.

When he stopped, he crossed his arms.

["Dear god, please save me. A tall-rich-guy is going to pull an I'm-better-than-you and murder us all with his insults...Amen."]

Toko ran after Byakuya, stopping right next to him.

"Y-Yeah! You heard him! Now shut your traps and s-scram!" She yelled.

"You tone it down too, and back up. You smell. Actually, just don't talk at ALL." Byakuya shot a cold, scary glare at Toko.

She gulped, nodding. She then backed up.

Hajime tapped Nagito, pointing at Byakuya. "Do you hear this guy?"

Nagito nodded, staring at Byakuya.

"He really thinks that's enough to shut us up." Hajime laughed.

"I'm assuming he's in a bad mood today. This'll be fun." Chiaki laughed.

I'm assuming Hajime is that much of a bully.

"Really? Is he worse than Hiyoko?" Ibuki popped up.

Kazuichi shook his head. "He needs to get it out of his system I guess."

How mean is he?

Those comments aren't helping me.

Just say it on a scale of 1-10.

Next thing I knew, Byakuya was standing in shock as Hajime smiled.

I missed it? Seriously?

Toko looked like she was about to scream.

"Ah— Byakuya..." Nagito smiled softly, staring at him.

He didn't respond though.

"Let's go." Hajime led Nagito, Chiaki, Kazuichi and Ibuki (who had just popped up) to the stage.

They were gone after that.

Byakuya was enraged, Toko was losing her temper..

Kyoko and Chihiro had seen what happened.

The other team...

They're odd.

They're just...


*Team 1: 5 Members

Team 2: 5 Members

Total: 9 competitors left*

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