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(Yes, I'll give you what happened in the 1st round why do you think this is called 'memory' 👹👹👹👹)

I walked onto stage.

There was a crowd, they cheered as my team walked toward our places.

They're all insane...

How could they be entertained by this?!

Kyoko put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't let the crowd get to you. They're either fake or brainwashed."

I just nodded.

Brainwashed? Is that even possible?

(I'm not using the thinking protocol anymore 😡😡🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹)

Junko sat on a throne, hugging a black and white plush. The black side had a red eye instead of a normal one.

She sat in a dramatic way. You didn't even need to look at her, you'd just know.

Again, she went over the rules of the gameshow. We know this, but some of the audience doesn't.

The BRAINWASHED audience.

Wait, what?

"Today we're gonna keep it simple. Despairingly Questionnaire, anyone?!"

(its not even gonna be written out and questionate isnt a word ig 👹👹👹👹👹)

The crowd cheered even louder, like a bunch of fangirls/boys or just fans. Fans for you pog Non-Binarys,,!

"I'll take that as a yes!" She laughed.

Both me and Hajime were lifted off of the ground.

Our teams stared at us, shocked. 

"B-Be careful!" Chihiro yelled.

"I will, don't worry!" I yelled back.

"Sorry...!" She yelled as response to that. (yesyes, informing you here that I use 'she' because this is a memory, makoto didnt know that chihiro was a crossdresser

"Don't apologize, you did nothing!"


Junko blew a whistle. She suddenly had glasses on, like some sort of teacher.

"Alright. You'll be asked a few questions. If you get it wrong, the other person answers. If they get it right, you get stabbed a bit by a small needle. If the other person gets it wrong, you have the chance to redeem yourself and answer again. Get it wrong and you still get shot. The other will stay needle free, unless it's their turn. Then they are in more of a risk than you are. If you get it right, however, the other person gets slightly hit with a small needle as well."

[Kawaii Junko sprite goes here] "It's such a good minigame!"

[Iconic Junko pose sprite] "The audience'll get a kick out of it, too! Hell yeah!"

I stared at Hajime. We were both concerned for each other's wellbeing, but we have to do this. We don't wanna die. Not yet..

"Ñøt ÿėt?"

Who was that?

I looked around.

"And what are YOU looking for?" Junko stared at me.

Hajime was confused, but looked for something anyways.

....He had no idea what he was looking for.

He looked at me and shrugged.

"I..Nothing. I just thought I heard something."

Junko nodded. "Alright, I guess. Uhm..."

Danganronpa: The Ultimate Despair Gameshow!Where stories live. Discover now