Trust in Komaeda

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I woke up in the infirmary.

I haven't been here in quite a bit, haven't I?

All the bad memories coming back.

The breakdowns I don't remember.

I'm only aware of two of them.

When I......


I got up from the bed, stumbling towards the door.

"Ah— Naegi, I suggest that you stay in bed for a bit." A voice said.

I looked behind me, it was Komaeda.

"I know, I just..."

"...I wanna...see....something.."

I almost fell to the ground.

What the hell happened to me?

Nagito gave me a kind, gentle smile. He then walked over and helped me walk.

We walked toward Chiaki's door, he then frowned.

"Why isn't there any blood..?" I pointed at the door.

"Chiaki was one of Junko's robots." He said, softly, but still frowning.

So Kyoko was right.

As expected from the Former Ultimate Detective.




"Naegi, we should take you back." Nagito grabbed my wrist (not in a forceful way) and led me back to the infirmary.

when we got there, I stumbled towards the bed, but I made it there.

Nagito sat on the chair he always sat on when he watched over me.

I blinked,

Then hit myself in the head.

"W— Naegi! What are you doing?!" He immediately got up, checking if I hit myself hard enough to bleed.

And I didn't.

He sighed. "Uhm, why'd you do that?"

"I forgot to give Byakuya the book he left in my room and now he's gonna kill me! He's gonna thing  stole it!" I exaggerated, lying down on the bed and sighing.

"I'll return it later."

"Are you sure you're gonna return it before he eventually finds it and thinks you stole it from him?" Nagito joked.

"That's not funny."

He laughed. "Sorry, sorry. I found it funny. Byakuya getting mad over a book..."

Now that I think of it, it was funny.

So I smiled.

Maybe I could trust Nagito.







"Hm?" He sat down on the bed next to me.


"Uh? What about her?" He tilted his head.

"I spoke to a little someone about how many people would die in this killing game, hoping i could stop it, but..

"The mastermind's death was included in every outcome."

"The Traitor was never mentioned."


"What are you trying to say?" Nagito stared at me, he seemed a bit angry.

"You." I looked down.




[Komaeda's POV]

What was he trying to say? I didn't like it, whatever he meant.

I didn't like where it was going.

I want him to put his trust in me, and his stupid thoughts are making it hard for me.

I bet he learnt it from the detective.

Naegi had no expression.

It was hard to read his emotions and tell what he was thinking.

"You. You killed her." He looked at me, right in the eyes.

He looked me right in the eyes and said that.


"I wasn't aware of this, so I couldn't have meant to kill her, Naegi." I sighed, covering up my anger with a smile.

He looked down, seeming disappointed. "You're right....I can't just blame random people..."

I felt less angry.

At least he understood that I didn't kill her on purpose.

Well, I did, since I knew about the estimated killings, but sure.

Let's say that I didn't kill her on purpose!

"Ah— Are you getting tired?" I got up, giving Naegi some space.

All he did was nod and slowly shut his eyes.

I sat down on a chair near a door, which Naegi was used to seeing me sit on for some reason.

I've only sat on it three times.

Have I?

I forgot.

I want Naegi to trust me, since everyone else trusts him.

Whoever Naegi trusts is in the clear.

I'm not ready to die just yet...

Not until a few more are dead.

Hey, maybe it's by my hands..?

I'm not the mastermind, anyways.




I need to stop Naegi from hanging out with that detective.

Her skills are rubbing off on him, and he's going to figure me out sooner or later.

He almost did just now.

I need to stop her so he can trust me!

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