Kirigiri (Choice #1)

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(DISCLAIMER: This won't affect the plot so dw 🙄🙄🙄 I'll write the other choice after this though for you lovelies 👹👹😡😡😍😍😍)

Right, I'll go to Kyoko.

She can help me figure out who that voice is, maybe.

I walked down the hall, stopping at Kyoko's door.


It opened!

"Yes?" She was wearing a plain white shirt with shorts that had a white stripe going down the sides. (She wears this to sleep, I found it real casual, but then again, kyoko looks good in anything)

"I fo- TOLD Nagito to go to sleep since he didn't get any last night, so he did. I also came to talk about...."




"Ah, noise. Yes, come in."

Noise was the codename for the voice, which only me, Kyoko, and Nagito knew about.

We didn't plan on telling everyone else, since it'd cause concern and confusion throughout both teams.

I sat down on one of the stools near the kitchen.

(idk what its called but yk those chairs and a random counter thats like,,, in front of a kitchen)



"You want coffee?" Kyoko started conversation.

"No, thanks. I just finished the one you gave me before."

"Ah, alright." She made coffee for herself.

(bro i headcannon that kyoko likes coffee a LOT since it helps her think and she'd look hot holding a cup of starbucks coffee too HAJHSKANS)

"Anyways, have you figured out how to explain the boy yet?"

"N-" I was about to finish, but then I remembered.

It was a simple detail, why couldn't I explain it?!

(Congratulations, whoever chose this gets a HUUUGE hint! But don't mention this outside of the chapter. I feel like some people won't actually know, and its FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK OF THIS OUTSIDE OF THE CHAPTER GRRRRRRURURURURURU 👹👹👹👹👹)



"No, I mean-"

"He had purple hair." I began.

(you guys already know)

"It was styled a bit like how the bottom of Chiaki's hair was like, but different."

"Ah, I see." She sat down on the stool next to me, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Did you figure out his name?" She grabbed a notepad and wrote some stuff down.

"No, not yet."

"Ah, so you can talk to him?" 

I nodded. "Yes, but sometimes he doesn't feel like talking. When he does, it's just confusing."

"He's also appeared once or twice."

"He sounds mischievous." She took another sip of her coffee, writing some more.

"He is."

"Uh-huh?" She kept writing.

"Did you get an idea on who it was?"

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