Hajime, Myself, and Chiaki (Choice #2)

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(DISCLAIMER: This won't affect the plot, other than the previous choice, makoto's just gonna grow closer to kyoko but the same goes for this)

Right, I'll go to Hajime and Chiaki.

I walked down the hallway, there was noise coming from Chiaki's room.

Yelling? Are they alr—

"COME ON, HAJIME! THEY'RE GONNA DESTROY OUR BED!" I heard Chiaki's voice say.

"I'm TRYING!" Hajime said in response to that.

"YEESSS!" (Chiaki)

"FINALLY!" (Hajime)

I laughed a bit and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Chiaki said.

I walked in, closing the door behind me. "What are you guys playing?"

 "Oh, just Bedwars." She grabbed another controller.

"Wanna play?"


(yeah guys its minecraft 👹👹👹👹👹)

After starting a new round, it got.....Violent? But it was real funny.


"I'M TRYING, THE GUY'S GOT LUCK! HE'S NOT BETTER THAN ME, JUST LUCK!" Hajime almost threw his controller at me, I flinched.

"LUCK'S BETTER THAN YOU!" Chiaki was rushing to the bed. I'm surprised they let us play online games.

Hajime CLEARLY was pissed and knocked Chiaki off of the map.

And now she's dead.

So basically, what's happening is that I'm running for my life now because Hajime has a diamond sword and I don't.

....I have wood.

"C'MERE!" Hajime laughed, Chiaki seemed entertained by this as she  followed behind us.


"WHAT?- AHH WE'VE GOTTA KILL THEM THEN-!" Hajime FINALLY stopped chasing me and dropped a few diamond swords.

"Where'd you get these?"

"I stole them."

"Where from?"

"You and Chiaki."


And now we're chasing Hajime, killing people as we go.

Long story short? 

We didn't win. 

Our bed was destroyed and we got knocked off by SOMEONE, (STARES AT HAJIME WITH A VIOLENT INTENT) and the stupid red team got the win.

Red sus, anyways.

Turns out we were playing all day after that.

Soon, it was time to go to sleep.

I walked down the hallway as the nighttime announcement went on.

I walked into my room, closing the door behind me.

....Then collapsing onto my bed.

"Hey, hey, heeeeyy...." The boy appeared, he sat next to me.

"What now?"

"Have you figured out who I am yet?" He grinned.


"Really? That sucks. Do you want a hint?" His grin turned into a frown.

"No, I want your name."

"No can do! I'll give you the hint, though!"

"Fine, what's the hint?"

"Evil!" He laughed a bit.

"That's no help.." I sighed.

"Aren't you going to Hope's Peak?" I changed the subject.

"Not anymore, I'm stuck in this place." The boy had a blank expression, he probably didn't wanna be here.

I feel bad for him.

"This guy, who I trust more than anyone, is going there. He's friends with two people who hate my guts, though."


"Uh-huh. One of them tried harming me. Well, they didn't TRY, they were successful."

I feel more and more bad for him the more he continues. 

"But I know this girl who's AMAZING at Piano. I made her feel really bad about herself, and then she cried. I didn't get to say sorry yet.." He sighed. He seemed to be doodling on a notepad now.

"You're going with the same class you had last year then, right?"

"Uh-huh. There's also this girl who hates men. A LOT. She believes that all of them are bad."

"That sounds bad, for males, I mean-"

"Yeah, she knows Aikido too. So, like, she'd beat you up without hesitation!"

I gulped at the thought of that.

"But she's friends with these other two girls, who don't mind men that much. So they'd probably stop her. Especially that mage, she'd listen to anything she has to say."

(I'm going by their cannon relationships, I'm trying)

"She doesn't like the other one as much, though.." 

"What's her Ultimate?"

"Artist. She's amazing at it. I could draw something that you'd be proud of, but if you were in the same class as me, you'd just say that I stole it from her. Any good art is apparently stolen from the Ultimate Artist." He showed me what was on the notepad. It looked like abstract art, and it looked like it would go into a museum.

"Is that abstract art? How do you do it? I almost failed art because of it, haha.."

"All you gotta do is scribble (or paint) a bit. Then you call it some depressing or emotional name and you've got yourself abstract art, 'Koto. Oor, just draw a bunch of shapes I think. I don't really know what I drew." Clearly he knew, he just didn't wanna explain it.



That's a nickname he gave me? It sounds cool..

And cute, I guess.

I don't mind it.

"Well- That's better than how my art teacher explained it."

"Yeah, they expect us to know what they mean."

"They recite a whole paragraph which sounds like an explanation on how to build the first rocket." I exaggerated.

"Right?! Jeez, they're so annoying!" The boy laughed.

"Well, I should probably get to bed. The next round is after tomorrow, soo.."

"It's AFTER tomorrow, but I get you. It was nice talking to someone who thought the same things as me!" The boy smiled. It wasn't evil, he looked genuinely happy.

He walked over to my nightstand and placed the notepad on it. After that, he disappeared.

That's all I could remember until falling asleep..

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