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I woke up, Nagito had a blank expression again.

He wasn't moving, but he shut his eyes and possibly went to sleep.

Has he not been getting rest...?

I got up, I could walk normally again.

So I went outside.

Maybe I'll visit Kyoko, we can talk about whatever when I get there.

Maybe she can tell me more about that Saihara guy!

I smiled at the thought of meeting him, he seemed really nice.


Kyoko's door was opened.

"Uhm, Kyoko? Your door's opened..."

I looked inside.








This isn't reality, it's a dream, I know it.


Kyoko was dead.

I screamed, backing up and then falling on the floor.

Soon after I screamed, Nagitop rushed in.

"NAEGI—! Are you alri—" Nagito paused, staring at the body.

He looked confused...and scared.


I don't know what to do....

Why her...?

It was stupid Junko, I know it!

It's......It's HER fault!

Nagito came back with a few more people who stared at the body, shocked.

Byakuya, Hajime, Ibuki, Toko, and Chiaki were there.


Chiaki's dead?

I blinked, but then she was gone.


Byakuya stared at the body, he didn't see this coming.

I almost blacked out until Nagito spoke to me.

"Naegi, we....We should go back..." He sounded scared, but I listened and followed him back to the infirmary.

I feel bad for Nagito and Kyoko...

Nagito sounded confused, scared, and like he's just lost.

Kyoko is dead.

She died right after solving the mystery and never even gained more information.


She never got to give Saihara the comfort she wanted to give him.

She never gave him the gift, she left him, and now she's dead. He's going to think that she abandoned him. Now he's going hate Kyoko.

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