Nanami Chiaki

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[Hinata's POV]

The way we were positioned....It reminded me of some highschool mutual killing game show or whatever it was called. The actors (or students) had to go through a class trial to find out who they were voting off. They had to choose correctly, though.

.....This time, we can choose whoever.

"I say we vote Komaeda. He's real fishy." Kazuichi started conversation.

"I didn't even do anything but help Naegi. That's fine, though. I welcome death with open arms." Komaeda smiled.

"We're NOT doing this again. And what do you mean 'Nothing'? You stole my hairclip." I pulled on Komaeda's hair a bit.

"AH— Sorry, Hinata...Old habits. Anyways, you let me keep that thing?-" Nagito questioned me.

the audacity of him. 🥶🥶🥶

I pulled harder, CLEARLY annoyed.

He rubbed his head, specifically the part where I tugged his hair.

Nanami just giggled a bit at our shenanigans.

"Guuuyss...I think we should be serious." Mioda began.

Not like she could be the one to talk, but okay.

"Hear me out, we're voting someone to KILL here! That's serious!" She yelled.

Mioda was right, though. We ARE voting to kill someone. That someone is........!

....We don't know yet.

"Why not Komaeda? He's still weird and a waste of space." Kazuichi complained.

"Not to mention his obsession with Hope." He pointed at Komaeda as if he just solved a murder case.

Dear god.

Komaeda just stood there, smiling.

"..Eh-?! Hey, why won't you argue back?!" Kazuichi yelled.

"Because." Komaeda started.

"I don't feel like wasting my time on such ūšëłęšś remarks. Clearly everyone knows this, and most of what you said so far were old habits. Can you hear me? OLD. HABITS." His eye twitched. He was either bothered or annoyed.

....Komaeda? Annoyed? He literally could never.

Or could he?

But after that, everything was silent.

"....My vote's on Nanami." Komaeda said.

Nanami gulped.

"What?! Why?! Are you INSANE?"


"Carry on then,"

"Anyways, remember what Naegi's response to that question was?" Nagito explained.

"Which question?"

"Ah, Hinata...You're so stupid.." He smiled.



Just what I needed from someone like you.

....Who knows basic geometry, unlike me..



"It was the one about the sacrifice." He glared at me.


"And he said the sacrifice was none other than Nanami Chiaki herself, hmm?" His smile just went to a neutral face.

"So wouldn't she be dead?" He put his hand on his chin, thinking.


"Komaeda, what are you trying to say..?" Nanami stared at him fearfully.

"That you are either a Traitor, Mastermind, or a Fake." He said, giving everyone a smile that looked like you could trust, but what he said before it made us fear that.

All of us were staring at Nanami. We wanted an explanation.

"I'm sorry..." She looked down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." She repeated.

"I didn't want to do this...! This game is STUPID!" She stomped and yelled.

"Nanami, c-calm down..!"

She stared at me with tears in her eyes. "I don't want to help her, not anymore! Please, just vote me! I HATE HER!" 

"Hate who?" Komaeda smiled, seeming interested in all of this.

"Enoshima Junko!" She cried.

His smile turned into a frown. His theory was right, Nanami was a traitor. She was working with Enoshima.

She also seemed....forced.

I hated the thought of it.

I hated the thought of her suffering, and it'd be our  fault. Just for voting her.




I want to blame it all on Enoshima, but I can't. I voted her, Enoshima was nothing but a mere bystander in that situation.

Nanami was dragged into the audience. You could hear her screams. It pained me to witness it.

Our team was put down, and we all ran closer to the crowd.

A large fire was lit, then put out.






....She's dead.

It was already too late to dive in and get her.

She's dead, there was nothing we could do.

Enoshima was laughing.

Her stupid laugh.

Her stupid game.

Her stupid rules.

Her stupid roles.

It's all so STUPID!


I felt like screaming right then and there.

Until Naegi hugged me for a bit.

[Naegi's POV]

Maybe, just maybe..

This will make him feel better, too.

Nagito helped me with this, so I could try helping him. He looked pained.

"I'm...Sorry for your loss."

He nodded, patting my head. I'm assuming that was a signal to let go, so I did.

(A/N: jesus the height difference they have though)

(A/N #2: it's hilarious)

We stared at the cheering crowd, who cleared an area.

The area had Chiaki's body right in the middle of it.

Right there.

Nagito frowned, walking back to the dormitory along with all of the others.

"Come on, we should go before it hurts us even more.."

Hajime nodded, then walked back to the dormitory.

4 students left for each team.

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