Chapter Eighteen

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The morning after i accidently summoned calix   i was asleep and  was woken by  Daisy  who kept nudging me and when i woke up  she looked worried and kept moving her head towards  the fireplace it then i realised  that calix was  still in my room with his two legs  and i remembered the way his hand felt  against my skin i shook off the thoughts  and woke him up he looked startled at first   but then remembered  whose room he was in and then he looked at daisy who  i caught was standing there staring at him.

I nudged her making her stammer and i opened the balcony door  and i saw him smile at me  and he whispered in my ears making me blush

Calix-"primrose just wanted to say  red suits you"

I  didnt umderstand what he meant by that comment and why he made .it  but then i looked at his  eyes they kept  going down to my chest  and i was going to slap him  but when i looked down i was mortified  i saw my nighty  showing  the  lacy see through bra i was too tired to take off the night before  showing.

I fixed my nighty my cheeks burning  and with that  calix smirked and winked at me  before jumping.out the balcony  his two legs changing to his   horse butt as the sun rose and my bed sheet still wrapped around him a few days after the incident i was in my what  to know about spells class i know long name but its a old school any way  I was in my class and   our teacher  Mrs Candace Cackle was going on about diffrent ways to do a spell  there was the classic  rhyming of  words like 

On darkest  of  night  let the moon guide you with its  glorious shining  light

There was  spells with emotions   that may not rhyme but the  power of the emotions you feel would do serious   damage so Mrs Cackle  gave us a scenerio  of feeling afraid  for our lives and we had to find a way out  of this place of fear.

  i thought of the club in the mortal realm  and being surrounded by   drunk men   and then i saw a light inside me and said

"Fear  of all  fear so big and tall shrink these  all who harm the vulnrable and small"

my spell  created a  glow of red light i had my hands facing   a huge  model ok the wall  and the glow in my hand shot towards the model  shrinking  it.

Mrs Cackle .laughed and awarded me a charm that i could only use  with a wand and we would get that in the second year i thanked her and took my  seat i was applauded for my spell then  the teacher told us that with multiple spells we needed  items to  make the spell and we could ony get them  in the fairy forest and the  sea of merpeople but the trip to the sea of merpeople would also happen  next term our  trip  to the fairy  forest   was going to be after the  summer solestice  because all witches needed to  relinquish there  power and refresh them on this  night.

We were also told by   Mrs Cackle that   witches also marry there destined  mates   in the summer solestice and when they marry in this night then a sort of  protection is  put around  them  the word mate had me confused   and i was going to  ask Mrs cackle but hycimthia  asked  the question  for me

Hycinthia -"Mrs cackle  you know the word you used mate well i wanted to know what they  were  is it like a best freind  do we marry freinds"

Mrs cackle giggled and replied 

Mrs cackle -" oh no my dear sweet child  a mate isnt like a freind  a mate is  whom is destined  for you like a soul mate you see when your older like 18 or 19   you  will end up meeting a witch or shifter or any other none witch  creature that may be  mates to you"

Hycinthia -"i still Dont understand Madam Cackle can you elaborate on that answer"

Mrs cackle -ok how  do i say this with the giggles happening ok  well ladies  you see mates can come in any form your mate could be a shifter or fairy or merperson  and on rare pairings such as  a centaur and a vampire.

  I wont explain  alot now your teacher for next period   Mr ongorous  has a special magic when it comes to  mates and there mate choices  but on short  mates are a  gift from  centuries ago when  our  magic  and the beings with magic were  nearly extinct.

very powerful witch tried to make  a huge sacrifice of  giving up her purity  and  her first child to appease the  god of magic  in hopes  that magical  beings continued to live  but her sacrifice  wasnt  accepted  by the god of magic  and she broke down since she was a witch leaders  only child  and after her parents would die  she would take care  of the coven as leader.

After being rejected by the god of magic  and crying it  out she decided that she would look for other ways to  save  all magic   it then she dreamt of a enchanting women who told her  that to save magic  she would have to  meet  with the vampire prince, werewolf alpha  the merking ,prince of the centaurs and the prince of the fairies.

at first the leaders daughter refused the  beautiful woman  but then  the beautiful woman showed the girl   a vision of what would happen if she refused the girl looked at the vision horrified   seeing how the earth would die and how her coven would die  and alot more  scary thing as soon as she saw this  she agreed to go but after meeting them the girl felt a spark  from each of  them when they touched her   she saw vision of her life  with them together they  brought back the magic  and created the first ever hybrid children"

But that was long ago  now  we cannot be mated to other creatures especially here   atvthe scho
Ol and in the realm  because of what the council think of  half breeds and if  any witch   has the fate of being mates out of  there blood line then the council will force them to reject the mates bond and  once they do they are forced to kill  there mates to show others that interspecies mating  is forbidden"

My heart broke hearing of this ban and how mates were forced  to kill  there fated to make a statement it sickend me and i wanted to cry  then i remebered how  calix looked when he told me how he wished we could be together but his kind would never allow  this  and then i wondered  of how many  more diffrent creatures in this realm had to suffer this rule.

Ok long chappy hope u enjoy  and if youndo then you know what to do

Forbidden Love In a School of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now