Chapter 32: Settling In

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As everyone returned to the inn from the ceremony a huge sigh of relief was shared among the team. As everyone got ready for the evening the boys now had another concern, the first match. The team was taking each obstacle one at a time. As Daichi met with the coaches everyone pulled out their sleeping bags.

"Oi Hinata! Your advice worked!"

"Huh?" Hinata asked rolling out his bag

"You know... to focus on Kiyoko-san for ease during the ceremonies?"

"Oh yeah? It worked?"

"Yeah... Kiyoko-San just always makes me feel...warm. It really helped." Tanaka said scratching his buzz cut

"I don't wanna be mean but have you ever thought about actually telling her that instead of just... yknow... proposing to her every chance you get?"

"It's not that simple I wouldn't expect you to understand..."

"I mean I told Yachi how she made me feel and look where we are now."

Tanaka looked taken aback and stammered "Hmph... I thought the senpai was supposed to give advice to the kohai."

"Sometimes the kohai picks up a few things." Hinata said shrugging his shoulders smiling "I'm gonna go wish Hitoka good night. Maybe you just... I don't know... think about stuff I guess?" Hinata said getting up "Oh one more thing! If Daichi-San comes back early can you not tell him I went to the girls room?"

"Wait did he forbid us from doing that?" Yamaguchi asked curiously as he climbed under his blanket

"He never said anything but I'm pretty sure he doesn't want us boys going into the girls room." Said Hinata stretching his back

"No he said it, specifically the girls room and girls bathroom... also he specifically told only me and Ryu." Noya said popping his head from his sleeping bag before falling asleep immediately after

"That makes sense... well... like I said... can you cover for me?"

"Don't even have to ask. Just be quick about it." Tanaka said as he adjusted himself and crossed his legs sitting on his sleeping bag and sighed. Hinata hummed quietly as he walked down the hall and knocked on the girl's room "Excuse me is it ok if I come in?"

Shimizu called from the room "It's ok Hinata come on in."

Hinata entered the room and bowed out of respect. Shimizu smiled and stood up "I'll give you a moment."

"No you don't have to-"

Shimizu bowed as she closed the door behind her. Hinata watched door in confusion "Oh well... I guess we're alone then-"

Yachi surprised Hinata with a hug from behind "Hi!" She greeted happily

"Hey! Wow... what was that for?"

"You looked so cool at the ceremony!" She said giggling

"Thanks... it was really awesome! Yknow I think I helped out Tanaka-senpai during the ceremony."

"What did you do?"

"Well he was kind of nervous, so I told him to focus on a person he really cared about and he did."

"Oh so he thought about Shimizu-senpai?"

"Yes exactly."

"What made you give him that advice?"

"Well it was the advice I was taking myself... I was thinking about you..."

Yachi smiled widely and snuggled against Hinata's neck as he returned the sentiment by turning and wrapping his arms around her tightly. She held his face and kissed him tenderly. They laughed to each other as they continued their romantic embrace. Hinata broke the kiss and sighed and chuckled softly "Ok, I should head to bed, Daichi will get mad if he finds out I'm in here."

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