Chapter 10: Fatherly Advice

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While Ennoshita struggled to fit himself on the court along with Karasuno hoping their captain is alright, Yachi and Shimizu waited with Daichi in the first aid room.

"I'm fine it probably looks worse than it feels!" The captain said

Shimizu sighed and unwrapped the bloody tissue with his tooth and showed it to Daichi causing Yachi to gag and cover her mouth. "Daichi, you lost a tooth." Coach Ukai said pointing to the molar

"Ok I know that looks bad, but it could've been worse, look..." he said as he pointed at himself in the mirror "it's really only a bruise, I promise that it's only my cheek that hurts."

Shimizu rested her hands on her hips "we're still going to let the nurse decide the best action here. I'm sure the team is going to be fine, you know all of them are capable of winning without you. Besides you can trust Ennoshita to keep them in line right?"

"Yeah, it'll probably take a while for him to feel like he belongs on the court." Coach Ukai said crossing his arm

As Coach Ukai and the nurse tended to Daichi and checked him for a concussion, Yachi and Shimizu waited outside

"You alright Hitoka-chan? Did the tooth I pulled out earlier scare you? I'm sorry!"

Yachi shook her head and waved her arms in disagreement "no it's ok! I mean I didn't know he lost a tooth but I'm worried the same as you about the captain!"

Shimizu raised her eyebrow and adjusted her eyeglasses "is that all that's bothering you? You seem a little... conflicted."

Yachi wanted to tell her about how she felt about Hinata forgetting about their study date, and what Yuki has been saying that's caused her doubt her worth. Most of all she wanted to talk about whether or not she was being neglected by Hinata. She could've talked to Shimizu about it, she had the opportunity and Shimizu wanted to help, but Yachi didn't. She didn't want someone to have the burden of listening to her. Instead she reverted to herself a few months before; quiet, intimidated by everything and everyone, too timid to speak her mind, too insecure to feel any confidence or reassurance.

"...I'm fine but thank you Shimizu-senpai."

Shimizu sighed "well I'm here if you need to talk about anything ok?"

The nurse called them back into the room and told them that Daichi merely had a large bruise on her cheek, and luckily did not suffer a concussion, however it was recommended he rest for a bit and join his team in the next match.

"See? What did I tell you? Nothing to worry about! I'm gonna do what the nurse said and just rest for a bit and sub back in and give Ennoshita a break."

Shimizu nodded "Hitoka-Chan stay with Daichi, I'll head back to the match with Coach and tell Takeda-sensei that Daichi's ok."

Yachi nodded her head and sat down. Daichi laying on the bed relaxed he closed his eyes.

Yachi sighed and caught Daichi's attention, without opening his eyes he spoke

"What's wrong?" He asked

"AH, oh nothing I thought you were resting?"

"I am, I'm resting my body but I'm always thinking. What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing don't worry you should just rest so you can be at full strength-"

"Yachi-San. I can tell when somethings wrong, and you can't hide it well either."

Daichi even while resting still had his commanding voice that demanded the other teammates attention when needed. It worked on everyone and Yachi was no exception.

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