Chapter 44: No Rest for the Weary

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Karasuno tiredly walked the hallways getting ready for lunch, all except Hinata who watched the courts and the teams playing on them. He focused on the sounds around him, the squeaks of the court shoes and the hands slapping the ball and cheers of the audience and players. Hinata wasn't focused on one of the games, he focused on them all at once, getting lost in the world of volleyball.

"Hinata. You'll catch a chillin that sweaty uniform. Go change." Shimizu said as she finally found the unaccounted member of the club yet to rest and recuperate for the next game. "And eat your lunch." She added in a commanding yet delicate tone

"Yes'm." Hinata said respectfully as he dawdled to the change rooms. He changed into his club jacket and extra shirt and made his way to Karasuno's seating area, he sat down and looked around at his fellow teammates sleeping to recharge their batteries. He was bored, he wanted to be on the court, he fidgeted in his seat like a bird not doing well in captivity.

"You should be eating... or sleeping... but please not both." Yachi said handing Hinata his bento box. She shuffled down the row and sat next to Hinata watching him eat. Hinata munched down on his rice and noticed in the corner of his eye Yachi looking at him with a smile.

"Mmf Whatcha doin'?" He asked with a mouthful of rice

Yachi chuckled "Making sure you're eating before your match."

"Oh... What? Why?"

"Well you were still in your drenched uniform and watching the courts from the first floor fifteen minutes after everyone was already eating and resting. So Shimizu-senpai asked me to keep an eye on you, even if she didn't ask, I was gonna make sure you got a good amount of rest anyways." Yachi said scratching her head "I'm being a responsible manager by making sure all players are well taken care of, and that goes double for you." She said cutely as she hugged him from the side. As Hinata finished his lunch he kept his eyes on the court below while Yachi held his arm and rested her head on his shoulder

"Aren't you going to sleep?" She asked with her cheek pressed against his arm

"Nope. I just wanna play." He said still watching below

"I bet if you sleep now, by the time you wake up it'll be time for warmups and then you can play." Yachi suggested as she moved her head to set her chin on his shoulder

"That makes sense... but I can't sleep now even if I tried. Just too amped up!"

Yachi sighed and accepted his fidgety behaviour. With Yachi's chin now resting on his shoulder and her arm still linked with his she leaned her head against his head and relaxed for a bit. Hinata smiled and thought a bit

"Hey so Bokuto-San said something pretty cool earlier." He said softly

"What's that? Was it 'hey hey hey'?" She said with a giggle

"No... well yes... wait no... he said something other than that." He said confused

"Okay what'd he say?" She asked

"Well he told me he and Akaashi-san hung out with you for a while during our match."

"So he said I was cool to hang out with?" She asked with hope

"Yeah! But he also said you got jumpy when he called me your boyfriend."

"Ack!-" she jolted in shock as she turned her face in panic and smacked her forehead against Hinata's temple "Ohmigosh! Shoyo! I'm sorry!" She said rubbing his head in comfort

"Hey it's cool! I'm fine I'm fine!" He said in reassurance.

Yachi sighed and kissed his head "Yeah... I mean... he was trying to make me feel better because I was scared after you lost the first set... he said you wouldn't give up and referred to you as my 'boyfriend' so I got a little..."

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