Chapter 19: Celebrations

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As the ceremony closed the team moved to change into less sweaty clothing. Hinata changed out of his uniform and met Yachi at the lobby where the team would meet to head to the bus.
"Hitoka!" Hinata called out with a smile

"Shoyo!" She called out in return

He hugged Yachi and held her close, she gripped him tight and she looked up to see his eyes gleaming with happiness "hi!" He said softly


"Sorry for kissing you in front of everyone. Although I can't really say I'm genuinely sorry."

"No need to apologize. I'm glad it happened, I feel like we've been hiding 'us'."

"Kinda... this is all new to me so I don't know how to best do things you know?"

"It's all new for me too." She said in return still holding him close

"But hey, we won... and I have a promise to keep. Later tonight... dinner at your place? I know I said earlier we could go to mine but... I kinda wanna go to your place instead. Is that ok?"

"Sure! I can cook! I'm sure my mom won't mind a guest either."

"Great!" Hinata looked away for a second but turned his attention back to her "another one?" As he moved his face toward her lips

Yachi nodded softly and closed her eyes. As they closed the gap once more and smiled as they once again sunk deep into the romantic touch.

"Sho-woah!" Izumin called out as he immediately felt the awkwardness in walking in on that. Hinata and Yachi let go of each other but held each other's hands

"Izumin, Koji! Umm... This is Hitoka, I told you all about her!"

"Nice to meet you." Koji said waving

"Quite a first impression you made on us." Izumin said jokingly

"Shoyo that match was so cool! I can't believe you really took those hits to the face!"

"Me neither honestly." He said as he scratched his bruised cheek.

"So you and the King are friends now huh?"Koji asked

"Yeah he's awesome and he's like the best setter. But he hates that nickname even though it sounds so cool."

"Yeah but don't sell yourself short, you were incredible! Jeez you got so much better than we last saw you play in middle school!" Izumin said with a thumbs up

"Well yeah, I have a great team helping me and we went to these Tokyo training camps in the summer and all that practice and..."

"You're gonna be like the coolest volleyball player ever, Shoyo." Koji said "anyways we gotta go, we'll see you around ok?"


"And uh Hitoka... take care of Shoyo for us!" Izumin said as he walked away

Yachi nodded and waved them off as Hinata gripped her hand tighter "I can't believe they came. I'm so glad I came this far!"
Yachi smiled but as her mind had been swimming a sea of positivity her mind grew dark as she recalled Yuki.

"Shoyo I-"


Yachi stopped her sentence and noticed Shimizu walking with the other third years including the girls volleyball team


"You must be Hinata." Michimiya said leaning over "I don't think we've officially met, I'm Michimiya... Michimiya Yui."

"I know who you are! You're the captain of the girls volleyball team! The captain talks about you!"

"Huh?!" Michimiya jolted and blushed as she heard the remark. Her friend Aihara smirked and chuckled as she realized she was obligated to change the subject to save her friend from further embarrassment

"You did great out there, Sawamura told us there were some amazing first years but you were just beyond amazing!" The blonde haired third year said patting Hinata on the head

Hinata blushed at the flattery "thank you! It's so cool that Captain talks about us and doesn't complain about us!"

"No he complained the first month." Sasaki stated with a giggle "but that annoyance was short lived. Keep doing your best ok?" The brunette said with a smile

"Yes ma'am!"

"We're gonna take off, congrats you guys!"

"See you Michimiya! Thanks for the good luck charm!" Daichi said as he waved

"S-see you!" She replied with a flustered look as her friends dragged her away

The rest of the team returned as they walked to the bus to head for a celebratory meal, as they walked everyone smiled seeing Hinata refusing to let go of Yachi's hand as they made their way to the bus.

In the distance Yuki watched them leave. He saw the kiss that made the crowd go crazy and the following kiss in the lobby and punched the wall in anger. Through his delusion he somehow thought how that could've been him on the receiving end if he was smarter about his schemes. He walked away with his head low and his dignity shattered. However the seed of doubt he planted was blooming strong even if he would not be able to taste it's twisted fruit.

 However the seed of doubt he planted was blooming strong even if he would not be able to taste it's twisted fruit

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