Chapter 50: Welcome Home

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Karasuno stood outside the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium to meet up with Nekoma and Fukurodani before they would leave that morning. The winter morning weather was brisk yet a lighter temperature for the usual weather in January. Karasuno and Nekoma were talking amongst themselves as they waited for Fukurodani to arrive. They were running late and soon Karasuno would have to leave with or without saying farewell to Fukurodani.

"Thank you for everything." Coach Ukai said bowing to Coach Nekomata

Nekomata smiled as he pat Ukai's shoulder "We'll see you next year..." He said chuckling "And tell your grandfather when he's good and able to grab a drink with me again... you can come too... to keep Ikkei out of trouble."

Ukai cleared his throat and adjusted his jacket collar "Ahem... I... yeah... sure."

"Kuroo-san." Daichi said stretching his hand out

"Daichi-san." Kuroo said grasping his hand "Next time we'll beat you." He said smirking and looking at the second years of Nekoma

"Give it your best shot." Daichi said gripping Kuroo's hand tigger as he looked at his second years

"Tora." Tanaka said gripping Yamamoto's arm for a gung-ho shake

"Ryu. I'll make sure we have a beautiful manager next year for you to be jealous of."

"None are more beautiful than Kiyoko-san." Tanaka said gruffly "And none are cuter than Yachi-san." He said looking to see Yachi holding Hinata's hand as they talked to Kenma

Kenma smiled softly "Can't wait to see what new skills you've levelled up when we next see each other."

"Yeah!" Hinata said giving a thumbs up

"Yachi-San you'll keep Shoyo's positivity levels boosted?"

"I'll make sure of it. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't make sure he was happy?" Yachi said giggling as she snuggled against his shoulder causing Kenma to laugh softly

"Hey Hey Hey! Don't think you can leave without saying goodbye to us too!"Bokuto shouted as he walked toward Hinata with Akaashi and the rest of Fukurodani behind them.

"Bokuto-San! I was scared you wouldn't make it!"

"We would've been here on time if not for Bokuto-San taking so long to fix his hair." Akaashi said in a monotonous tone

"Akaashi! Couldn't you have just said something like 'things got in our way?'" Bokuto whined

"Gotta love Akaashi's honesty!" Konoha chimed in from behind with a laugh

"Umm... Bokuto-San what're your plans after high school?" Yachi asked

"Ah! Well I'm gonna keep playing volleyball and join the best team in the league! I'm only going for the best because that's what I'm trying to be!" Bokuto said puffing his chest "Hinata... I'll be waiting for you to join me there too, my student."

Hinata shook with excitement and pride and smiled as he aggressively bowed to Bokuto causing Yachi to also bow as their hands were still joined.

"Yes sir! Please keep teaching me the way of the ace!" Hinata shouted causing Bokuto to laugh loudly, Bokuto straightened his back and pointed his thumb at his chest 

"I pledge here and now as your amazing teacher, to visit you whenever I have free time to teach you the way of the ace!" He said in his stoic and explosive voice

"I promise I'll make you proud!" Hinata replied

"You already made me proud! You taking my advice and asking Yacchan to be your girlfriend!"

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