Chapter 9: Time Better Spent

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Karasuno won the match against Johzenji and watched their next opponents Wakunan finish their match. Hinata noticed their captain's family had come out to support him and grew slightly envious. "Wow his whole family came to see him play" he said

Yachi looked at Hinata, although he tried to hide it he was still showing signs of sadness. The thought of his mom and sister not coming to his games, especially the absence of his father which couldn't be helped, but it still hurt most of all because he knew if his dad was still around he would definitely come to support him. Yachi sighed, she empathized with Hinata and grasped his hand, he snapped back to reality and looked at Yachi to see her smiling softly at him
I'm here to support you! And I know your family supports you too

It was only a look Yachi gave him but he understood her fully and brushed her bangs to hold her cheek and rested his forehead on hers and sighed in relief "You're right" he said

"Oi first years break it up! We're headed to the bus now!" Tanaka called out from the hallway

Hinata grasped Yachi's hand and walked toward the exit "are you still coming over tonight for dinner? We could brush up on some English and watch a movie?" Yachi asked with a smile

"Ah sorry! I totally forgot I might have to take a rain check on that, I called Grandpa Coach Ukai to ask if I could drop in on his practice and he said ok. I'm sorry I'll make it up to you sometime ok? Dessert on me?"

Yachi's felt her smile fade but she forced her expression to hold a little longer "sure that's fine, don't worry about it."

"I'm so sorry!" He said bowing

Later after the club had finished discussing their game plan against Wakunan the next day the club went their separate ways for the evening, Yachi and Shimizu walked to the bus stop

"Hitoka-chan weren't you supposed to spend time with Hinata tonight after practice?"

"Yeah but he forgot he made plans to practice more... but it's ok I know this week is intense like tomorrow we're facing Wakunan and then when we beat them we play whoever else wins their match."

Shimizu smiled causing Yachi to blush and wonder "what?" She asked

"You said 'when'."

"Well yeah, because we're going to Tokyo right? So we're beating every team here to get there."

Shimizu softly laughed "you sound like Hinata that's great. And don't worry, I'm also confident in Karasuno."

I sound like Shoyo?
Yachi asked herself and smiled at the thought, it carried her through her bus ride home and even as she was doing her homework before bed when she heard her phone chime

"Hitoka!! I just got home from practice!!! Grandpa Coach Ukai is so intense it's awesome!!"

"That's great! I guess that means you're ready for tomorrow's matches then"

"Yup! Btw I'm so so so sorry for forgetting!"

"No no it's ok don't worry I understand, you can make it up to me by winning tomorrow ok?"

"YES!! We will win for sure!"
"Also Natsu says hi!!"

"Tell her I said hi back"
"I'm going to bed so I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Ok!! Good night Hitoka!!"

Yachi sighed and pondered on Hinata and his drive to keep growing in strength for volleyball and wondered again if he was sacrificing time used for volleyball just for her until she heard her phone chime again

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