Chapter 33: Strength From Weakness

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Nationals Round One Karasuno vs Tsubakihara

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Asahi approached from the back and swung his arm down, as he landed on the ground the whistle blew as the match had ended. Karasuno had won their first match at nationals in straight sets. The teams lined up and thanked each other for the game played. As Karasuno thanked the cheer section for the support and Daichi noticed his upperclassmen, Yachi ran to Shimizu crying.

"Hitoka-chan! Why're you crying? You did great!"

"I know! I'm crying because I can't believe I was the manager for my first official match... at nationals!" She said bawling

Shimizu smiled and pulled her adopted sister in for a hug "I'm so proud of you. I always knew you'd be a great manager."

Yachi held tightly to her older sister and nodded in acceptance. "What were you doing during the match?" She asked with voice muffled as her face was still pressed against Shimizu's chest. Much to Tanaka and Nishinoya's jealousy as their "Shimizu senses" were active at all times.

"I was doing what you would do, cheering on our team. And I caught up with my old upperclassmen who were the captains before your time. Although during the last few rallies I came down to the ground level to cheer more up close."

"Oh yeah... that guy with the swollen eyes and the scary guy right? Those guys were the captains before Daichi-San?"

"The swollen eyes are because he was crying a lot this match." Shimizu chuckled

" like Sugawara-senpai?"

"Basically." Shimizu said giggling. "Well, I'm sure you're pretty tired from managing today, let's sit down and eat lunch hm?"

"I uh... sure!" Yachi said as Shimizu led her to the stands to eat

"Hey guys if we hurry up we can eat lunch and watch the rest of Nekoma's match!" Daichi called out. As the team ate lunch and rested in the stands they watched and supported their feline friends on the court below. Asahi's empathized toward the stressed ace of Kiyokawa who couldn't land a solid spike against Nekoma, whether or not Asahi's stress was being felt by Kiyokawa's ace is a mystery although it certainly didn't help. Nekoma prevailed as they moved to the next round of the tournament. As everyone took their rest Karasuno split off into groups, Hinata read over the schedule and noticed the match on the sub court. "Bokuto-San!" He exclaimed "Captain! Can I head over to the sub court to watch Fukurodani?"

Daichi nodded and got up to extend the invitation "We have a little time after we eat, so you guys can go shopping if you want."

Hinata thought to himself Shopping? Oh!

"I'm gonna go buy "The Way of the Ace" t-shirt!" Hinata shouted jumping up from his seat

"Oh Hinata wait up I'll come with you!" Yamaguchi called out getting up, Tsukishima was fast asleep so the greenete left him alone.

Hinata sped up the stairs and saw Yachi writing notes on things Shimizu was explaining to her, he hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek "Hi! Gonna go buy the ace T-shirt and watch Bokuto-San ok bye!" He said quickly as he continued on his path

Yachi jumped being startled and confused "Hinata?" She looked down the hallway and saw his recognizable orange hair weaving through the foot traffic of the stadium "Yup, Hinata." Shimizu said laughing softly

Yamaguchi ran toward the managers "Hey did you guys see Hinata?"

Yachi pointed in the direction Hinata was heading and Yamaguchi nodded and ran after him "Hinata wait up!"

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