Chapter 7: The Morning After

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Hinata closed the door behind him and greeted his mom as he took off his shoes and noticed Natsu sleeping on the couch, his little sister must have wanted to stay up past her bedtime and wait for him to come home and ask about the date but instead fell asleep. Being the good big brother he always was he picked Natsu up and began to carry her to her bed. "Shoyo how was your date?" Hinata's mom asked, and for once Hinata couldn't describe the experience, no explosive jumps of excitement or onomatopoeias, he just smiled softly and said "it was nice." He brought Natsu to her room and laid her on her bed tucking her in. He got ready for bed and checked his phone, text messages from various members of the volleyball club asking how the date was, Hinata didn't want to answer them yet, instead he locked his phone to see his new wallpaper of the two of them in that park, he smiled and threw his fist in the air and promptly fell asleep.

When Yachi walked through the door she couldn't wipe the smile from her face as her first kiss was still fresh, she bit her lip to stop her from making noise and hugged the club jacket she was still wearing as it smelled just like Hinata as if he was still with her. She walked to her room to be stopped by her mom "Hitoka? How was your day with Hinata?" Yachi immediately blushed but felt no need to hide or be embarrassed at anything "it was a date, and a very nice date." She said smiling as she turned in for the night.

Both slept easily and peacefully until their respective alarms woke them up and they would meet soon at volleyball practice. Hinata got ready and as he was about to leave he went to the coat rack at the door to grab a jacket that wasn't hanging on the hook

Oh that's right, I gave Hitoka my jacket last night
He remembered and brushed it off with a small laugh. He rode his bike down the mountain to feel a colder chill along the way yet he didn't mind he was just happy to see two of his favourite things ever at the same time; volleyball and Hitoka Yachi. He sped down the hill and parked his bike in the bike rack and rushed to the club room ready to start practice.

"Oi dumbass get ready to practice double to make up for your missed practice yesterday!" The tall raven haired setter yelled from the top of the stairs
"You sound like you're the coach Kageyama, can't you just treat me as you normally do?"

"I am! You dumbass!"

The loud voices could be heard from the club room's closed door which got the attention of those inside already changing

"Oi first years! Get changed quick we need to do our best at practice if we're going to do our best at the preliminaries tomorrow!" Said the bald headed upperclassmen


Strangely enough none of the boys asked about how Hinata's date went, perhaps they forgot? But most likely they got a lecture from Daichi yelling at them not to bug Hinata or Yachi and to leave them be with their own business. As practice went underway the team noticed a slight increase in excitement from Hinata as he practiced his flying receives, and they knew it was because of the date the night before. When their scheduled water break came Yachi and Shimizu handed out the water bottles and Shimizu noticed Yachi's jacket was a bit bigger causing the blonde to roll up her sleeves so they would not get in her way.
"Hitoka is that Hinata's jacket you're wearing?" She asked curiously
At which point everyone turned their attention to Yachi and noticed the jacket

"Oh yeah! That is Shoyo's jacket! Kiyoko-San you're so observant! Shoyo you haven't told us how your date went!" The small but mighty libero exclaimed causing the two first years to blush immensely.

"Did the shrimp actually do well? Please tell me he didn't take you to catch crawfish Yachi." Said the spectacled blond

"Oi Tsukishima I'm sure Hinata did amazing right yachi-San? After all I have been a great role model for him so he has to be great."

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