Chapter 8: Managing for a Manager?

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Spring Tournament Qualifiers Johzenji Match

Several days pass as Karasuno made it through the first round, Hinata and Yachi had study dates and lunch dates along with bike rides home to make up for all the time they spend at practice. Now they focus on getting through the school that made it into the top four of the inter high: Johzenji, to what people call "the party team." Karasuno starts their match off in confusion as the unorthodox team on the other side of the net make it hard for them to predict any type of play. Yachi watches from the stands as volleyball regulations allow only one manager on the bench, but regardless of the rules and regardless of the fact that she's a manager and not an athlete she's on the court with them, they're a team after all.

"Hmph I knew that was you yesterday." Said a voice behind her

"What're you doing here Yuki?" She asked nervously

"Come in we've known each other for years, call me Hayato." He said with a flirtatious tone

"Why're you here Yuki?" She said sternly keeping her eyes on the court

"My school has a volleyball club too, so I'm here with the cheering squad."


"Well if you got interested in volleyball then it must be fun!" He said sarcastically

Yuki leaned against the railing next to Yachi and looked in the direction she was looking and saw Karasuno playing

"So these are the guys people have been talking about? The 'clipped crows' was it? Or the 'fallen champs'?"

"We're no longer called that name" she said gripping the metal bar

Yuki turned his attention to the short finger he saw just a few days earlier "hey your 'tiny giant' look at that he really is a starter, so tell me Hitoka what's so impressive about the-"

As Yuki finishes his jab insulting Hinata his jaw drops as Hinata lands a minus tempo quick attack making the crowd go crazy.

Yachi finally turned to Yuki and smiled "that's what so impressive about Shoyo" she crossed her arms and turned back to the match "and don't you forget it."

Yuki continues to watch the match and sees Hinata's skills in play as he covers a free ball and launches himself off the wall to land another quick. The brunette looked at Hinata not as someone who he respected but someone who he saw as a disease, someone who infected Yachi with a different personality, she was less timid, more vocal, Yuki was used to a Yachi who didn't know how to say no because she felt too scared to be mean.

How? It hasn't even been a full year yet and Hitoka has totally changed. What did that ginger midget do to her?

He didn't like this new Yachi, he spent years trying to get her to be his girlfriend and even when she was really timid she didn't go out with him and he tried multiple times to be with her. He really liked Yachi, he thought that because he's known her for years he still has more of a chance than Hinata. Yuki saw there were still traces of her old personality still easily seen, because no matter how much a person can change they still carry some of their old aspects. He had a plan, cruel as it may be he thought the ends justify the means. Somehow he felt he was better for Yachi than Shoyo Hinata, and he was going to prove it, somehow.

"I'm gonna get going, my school won our round already so we'll be here tomorrow, I'll see you then." He said "listen I really missed us talking, let's catch up this week, your number still the same?"

"I guess that's ok... but I have a lot going on this week with the tournament and classes, and spending time with Shoyo.

"Well, I'll text you, seriously though, you were right about shorty... I mean Hinata down there, he's pretty cool."

"He really is." She said smiling at Hinata on the lower level

"Seriously that kid can go places, I mean it must be really hard to make time for a relationship with all the practice he obviously does right?"

"What do you mean?" Yachi asked confused "Shoyo and I are hanging out after this match. He makes sure to make time for us."

Yuki walked up one step and smiled "well yeah that's good, it's probably hard to do considering your team probably wants to go all the way to Tokyo right? But you know if you say he makes time then yeah of course he does." Yuki took one more step up toward the exit "anyways forget I said anything, I'll see you around Hitoka."

Yachi waved to Yuki as he left and turned back to the court, Karasuno took the first set due to Johzenji trying a combination play for the first time and messing up the timing and toss. She watched Karasuno move to the other side of the court to prepare for the second set and saw Hinata look up at her waving smiling causing her to smile back. She thought to herself
Hinata makes time for me, but is that hard to do with everything going on?

She quickly dismissed the thought, but still the idea lingered, and thus a seed of doubt was planted, and given Yachi's anxiety and tendency to overthink things, that seed would sprout and grow to something negative

She quickly dismissed the thought, but still the idea lingered, and thus a seed of doubt was planted, and given Yachi's anxiety and tendency to overthink things, that seed would sprout and grow to something negative

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