Chapter 2: My Senpais are Smart. I think

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Hinata wakes up to the sun rising and begins his morning routine of solo passing drills in his backyard. He breathes in the thick mountain air and smiles at the sun
today is going to be a great day He thought.
He finishes his volleyball drill and walks in to a family breakfast, he greets his mother making him a hearty meal and ruffles his younger sister's hair and sits next to her "Nii-chan can I practice volleyball with you sometime?" Natsu asks her big brother. "Sorry Natsu I wake up early in the morning to practice and you don't get up that early enough."
She pouts and argues "I can if I want to!"

"Haha if you wake up before I do then sure! But you like to sleep in you lazy child!" Hinata says teasingly while ruffling her hair again.

"Shoyou, aren't you going down to Tokyo again today?" His mother asks while packing his two lunches and snacks

"Yup! I'm going to learn cool moves one more time from one of Japan's best aces Bokuto!" He says while devouring his food

"Well you always are excited whenever you go to Tokyo, have you even seen the Skytree yet?" His mother asks curiously

Hinata nods his head "nope I thought I did but Kenma said it was just a transmission tower, but I bet I will see the real Skytree when we go to the National tournament!"

"Well do your best and I'm sure you will. And do your best on your test today Shoyou"

"I have a good feeling about my test today! Yachi-San and I really studied hard last night!" He said proudly while packing his bag
His mother smiled "Yachi? You've been spending a lot of time with her, maybe a little bit more than Kageyama."
"Kageyama is just as dumb as I am! Of course I spend more time studying with Yachi! She's in the classes for people going to college!"

"Oi you're not dumb Shoyou, and that's not what I meant, I mean it seems you really must like this girl!" She says smiling
"Of course I like Yachi! She's the best! She's smart and cool and pretty too!" He says not knowing he's blushing a little
"Pretty? Nii-chan has a girlfriend! Can I meet her?" Natsu asks excitedly
"Wahhh girlfriend?! I never said that! I mean we're friends and she's a girl! So you're right and you're wrong Natsu!" Hinata says in a panic his face now as red as Nekoma's jerseys.
"Nothing to be ashamed of Shoyou, that girl seems great I'm happy for you. Have you told her how you feel yet? I bet she feels the same, I mean look at you what's not to like about my son?"
"Hmph I bet Kageyama and 'Stingyshima' can give you a list" he says pouting

"And I'm sure Yachi can give a bigger list of why you are so appealing! Shoyou it's okay to like her! I'm welcome to let you invite her for dinner sometime! Maybe tomorrow before your tournament." She suggests with a happy tone
Quickly Hinata jumps up "really? That's awesome thanks mom!" He hugs his mom and sister and heads out the door and pedals down the mountain to Karasuno. As he finally reaches his school he sees Kageyama in the hallway studying his crumpled notes for modern Japanese literature "oi Kageyama! Whatcha doing?" Hinata says waving to his setter "reviewing the notes Yachi helped me write last week" he said muttering what was on his papers "you should've come over to study with me and Yachi-San yesterday then!"

"Yachi and I shrimp" Tsukishima says walking in with Yamaguchi "ah what's this? The king knows how to read?" He says slyly, Yamaguchi snickers behind the tall blonde. "And Hinata are you sure you actually studied last night? Because your grammar doesn't seem to show it."

"Shut up you bean pole! I should jump and smack your head! You know I can!" Hinata argues with the tall middle blocker

"Hinata you seem to be in a good mood. Isn't today your English test? You hate tests" Yamaguchi says to his small friend

"Yachi-san helped me study last night so I feel ready for the test today!" Hinata says with a wide smile

"The small fry spends a lot more time with the new manager than he does with the former king of the court now hmmm? I must say small fry keeps better and smarter company now" Tsukishima says with a grin

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