Chapter 6: Spicy... but Sweet Nonetheless

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A few days had passed, they were the same as any other normal day, with the same boring classes and the same tiring morning and after school practices, with one element that made things more interesting, one factor felt by two people. Hinata and Yachi has been counting down the hours to the weekend, where they would go on their anticipated date. The club was a second family to everyone so of course everyone noticed the fidgety first years, and everyone smiled, they wanted those two to get together as much as the two did themselves, in fact after after school practice finished on Friday evening everyone basically wished both of them well for the following day. And finally Saturday had come for Hinata and Yachi. Hinata woke up and started his morning doing his volleyball practice, soon after he ate a light breakfast and headed to the shower. He went to his dresser and looked at the clothes in his drawer

I have the worst sense of fashion

Hinata thought to himself. As he looked in his drawer all he had were hoodies, volleyball themed shirts, and his school uniforms. Hinata picked up his phone and called the only person who'd be able to help and not make fun of him.

"Hello?" The freckled boy responded on his phone.

"Yamaguchi I need your help!" The tangerine haired boy exclaimed

"your date hasn't already ended? it's only noon?"

"No no, I need help on what clothes to wear."

"You want... fashion advice?"

"All I have are hoodies, the school uniforms, and the volleyball shirts."

"You don't have any other shirts?"

"I have my jersey, would that work?"

"Absolutely not! Wow Hinata you really need to go shopping sometime and get better clothes, no offence but you don't have good fashion taste."

"I know that's why I need your help!"

"I'm not a fashion expert either you should've ask someone like Sugawara or Asahi."

"Yeah but you at least have eyes for something like this. Can you help?"

"Ok yeah... ok! We'll make due with what we've got in your closet. Besides the clothes in your dresser do you have any other clothes? Like in your closet?"

Hinata opened the closet door in his room "well I have a few suits, but isn't that going overboard?"

Yamaguchi thought to himself and quickly came up with an idea "ok those suits you have, do they come with any dress shirts?"

"Well yeah." Hinata responded

"What colour are the shirts you have?"

"One is white, another is black, and another one is beige."

"Ok wear the white dress shirt. Wear those light blue jeans you've worn before they should work. And you should have your outfit ready."

"Oh! Ok that works out yeah!"

"If you want to look a little cool, unbutton the sleeves and roll them up, I think that's your style."

"Well I'll be wearing my club jacket over the shirt but I think I will when we go to eat."

"Oh and don't wear your school shoes, wear like dress shoes or something." Yamaguchi added "ok so anything else you need my help with?"

"Conversation topics?" Hinata asked

Yamaguchi sighed and laughed "Just talk to her as you normally do and you'll be fine." Yamaguchi responded "good luck on your date Hinata."

"Thanks Yamaguchi!"

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