Chapter 1: Practice makes Perfect

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"Hahaha Yachi-san! You're getting better at your bumps!" Hinata smiles as he and Yachi go back and forth passing the ball to each other, earlier they had been diligently studying for English and had ended their studying on a good note. Yachi has expressed interest in learning how to actually play volleyball to which Hinata happily offered to show her.

Yachi giggles and passes back the ball "Thank you Hinata-kun! I have a great teacher!"

"It takes one to know one Yachi-san!" Hinata replies

Yachi tilts her head slightly "what do you mean Hinata-kun?"

Hinata catches the ball and holds it "you always help me study Yachi! My mom has never seen double digit scores so often until I met you!"

Yachi blushes and looks at the ginger haired boy's hazel eyes and for a moment gets lost in them Hinata's eyes are so beautiful, and his smile is brighter than the sun! No wonder his name means "sun" and I- Wait I've been staring at him for too long now! Eep!
Yachi hides her tomato red face with her blonde hair and Hinata becomes confused

"Yachi-San are you okay"

"Yes, I just- a mosquito flew into my face..."

"Eh a mosquito?!" Hinata becomes frantic and jumps around avoiding whatever lurks in the early evening air. He looks at the orange sun and pink sky setting and looks at his phone
"Ah, I should probably get going, my mom will get worried if I come home late"

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." Yachi says as she picks up the volleyball and tries to hand it to Hinata. Hinata looks at the volleyball and then at Yachi, places a hand on the ball and softly pushes the ball closer to her "you hold on to it for me. You can do my lonely passing drills too." He said laughing

"Um ok! It gives you another reason to come back besides me tutoring you!" She said jokingly to which Hinata waves his hand at her "even if you didn't have the volleyball and you didn't tutor me, I'd still come! You're awesome Yachi-san and I like spending time with you!"

Yachi's face quickly becomes red again and hides behind the ball. They walk to the bike rack and Hinata unlocks his trusty bicycle and takes it out the rack.
"Don't forget we're going to Tokyo one more time to practice with Nekoma and Fukorodani before Spring Tournament Preliminaries!"

"I won't! I'll come early to make sure the bus leaves on time!" She said as she stands outside the lobby of her building. "And I hope you do well on your English test tomorrow Hinata-kun!" Hinata smiles widely "I'm going to ace that test because of your big brain helping me!" Hinata mounts his bike and begins to pedal away waving at Yachi.

Yachi watches him leave until he is no longer seen and she smiled all the way to her suite. Hinata-Kun is always so nice I'm glad I joined the volleyball club. Her good mood carries on for the rest of the evening as she cooks dinner for her and her mother. Later her mother comes home from work and sees the smile that still resides on her daughter's face. "Did something happen today Hitoka?" She asks while eating her daughter's cooking.
"Eh? Nothing really, why?" She asks still softly smiling as she does the dishes
"Did that boy come over again to study? What's his name Hinata?"
Yachi turning her back to her mom blushing nods her head "yes I hope that's ok." She says shyly
"That's alright with me, you seem to be a good help to that boy. And apparently he seems to leave you in a good mood a lot too" Yachi's mother says smiling now looking in her daughter's direction
"R-really? I hadn't noticed... but his grades have improved since I started tutoring him" she said softly
"Hitoka look at me for a second will you? There's nothing to be embarrassed about"
Yachi frantically scrubs a plate with a sponge
"Embarrassed? Why would I need to be embarrassed? I'd be embarrassed if he did poorly on his tests because of my help-"

Yachi's mom gets up and places a hand on her shoulder and turns her around "he's a very sweet boy and he obviously thinks the world of you. If you have feelings for him that's fine."
Yachi looks down at her feet "What feelings? He's my friend..."
"You have to go to work again right? It's ok I'll make breakfast tomorrow! By the way I'll be home late tomorrow, the volleyball club is going to Tokyo again go practice with our friends in Nekoma and Fukorodani Academy!" Yachi says in a panic as she rushes her mom out the door. Yachi's mom smiles and accepts that her daughter doesn't want to talk about boys yet and she kisses her daughter on the head and leaves

Yachi sighs with relief. Feelings? What kind of feelings does she mean? Like Hinata-Kun is my friend? One of my best friends! What kind of feelings am I supposed to have that she thinks I have?
Her phone chimes and she checks the notifications

"Yachi-San! I'm so excited for tomorrow! I've never been more ready for a test until you made studying easy! And then we get to see the powerhouse schools again before the Spring tournament! Woah I'm so excited!"

Yachi smiles and replies

"Me too! Do your best Hinata-kun! You're a smart person you'll do great on the test"

"You bring out the best in me Yachi-san! I'm so happy you're in my life! Goodnight!"

Yachi smiles brightly and lies on her bed and falls asleep. Around two in the morning she wakes up and reads his last text again and smiles
so these are the feelings mom was talking about...

 Around two in the morning she wakes up and reads his last text again and smiles so these are the feelings mom was talking about

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