Chapter 49: Blooming SunFlower

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"Shoyo?" She called out as she entered the dark room "are you awake?"

"A little bit." He said in the middle of the room "I saw the match... Fukurodani lost.... saw you guys on tv too for a second. Everyone was there..."

"Yeah..." she said with hesitation

His voice trembled "Poor Bokuto-san... I know I wanted to win it all, but I thought that because I couldn't... he'd do it..."

"I think we all thought so too... anyways I brought you something...." Yachi said as she presented two large boxes of pizza and a medium box of wings from the American themed restaurant from downtown.

"Pizza?" He asked

"From our first date... it probably isn't the same as Giovanni's... but on the bright side we don't normally have American food so it's not like we'll really know what's good and bad quality." She said laughing awkwardly

Hinata looked at the pizzas before him "I'm sorry..." he said

"For what?" She asked sitting down

"I broke my promise and didn't take you back to that restaurant." He said as he slowly pushed the boxes away "Thank you for this... but I'm just not hungry..."

Yachi scooted forward closer to Hinata "I already forgave you for that. And... I should've said this earlier but I should've made more of an effort too! So I'm doing my part and doing my best now to make up for it. Like this pizza which took quite a while to find! Shimizu-Senpai and Tanaka-Senpai got so tired keeping up with me as I ran through the city!"

Hinata sighed, it was a perfect moment to laugh but he couldn't even crack a smile

"Shoyo... tell me what you're feeling... I need to know." She said as she moved closer to him and held his hands

Hinata looked at Yachi and looked down at her
holding his hands as he felt her cold palms grasping his. He started to sniffle and dropped his now feeling heavy as his tears flowed

"I really messed up..." He said his voice breaking "I let everyone down... and now our season's over... because I was stupid and got sick..."

"Shoyo that's not true-"

"It is!" He shouted coughing as he choked a bit on his tears "I failed everyone..."

"You didn't fail any of us!" Yachi said "You carried us forward! Even when you were taken off the court they played their hardest for you! Because they wanted to win it for you!"

"If I was on the court with them then we could have won! We could have beat Hoshiumi and played on centre court! We could've played Bokuto-San and Fukurodani! We could've gone to the top!" He started to hyperventilate "it's all... it's all my fault!" He screamed as he started to sob.

Yachi felt herself tear up a bit as she pulled Hinata close to her and pressed his face into her chest and let him cry into her as she pat him in the back softly and slowly. His cries could be heard by everyone on the team, the team who out of their love and concern stood outside his door listening in to their conversation to know how Hinata was feeling. The boy they knew was their unspoken light on the team who could always bring them together.

Yachi tightened her hold around him and spoke softly "Its not your fault do you hear me? Maybe we could have won but maybe we still could have lost even with you there. What we do know is that it we all want you to be alright. We don't want you to give up on your dream because of this. Don't tell me you feel like giving up?"

Hinata sighed heavily "I don't know..."

Yachi gasped and slapped Hinata "Well don't!"

Hinata held his face that stung with pain "Why did you do that?" He asked scared

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