XXX. How Could He Forget?

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SOMETIMES — CHELSEA CUTLER'Cause I love you, but sometimes, I'd rather dieThan have to feel this way inside

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'Cause I love you, but sometimes, I'd rather die
Than have to feel this way inside

ONE OF STELLA'S favourite pastimes was using her mother's special access code to read journal articles online. Her obsessive need to know everything about anything flourished in the endless papers about the human mind and cellular biology. It was hard for anything to compare to her love of knowledge, but listening to her mother ramble about her passion for medicine surely came close.

In the days following her near death experience, Stella decided to take it easy and refrain from getting into trouble with her friends. This being said, she spent a lot of time at home listening to the presentation her mom created for a convention she was set to attend in Seattle. Regenerative medicine for extremity injuries took up the majority of her brain, but somehow she still managed to study for her history test with Pope.

She sat in class, relaxed in her chair as she scribbled down the answers with ease. She was one of those lucky ones who school naturally came easily to. Unfortunately, the blond boy who sat behind her wasn't.

Diocletian was an ex-slave who became the ruler of the Roman Empire.

"Psst! Stel!"

Under his leadership, he provided stability, security, and a functioning government to—

"Stella! What's the answer to one?"

—An otherwise chaotic state.


"Oh my God, JJ," the girl snapped, gripping her pen and turning around with narrowed eyes. The blond had been trying to get her attention since the beginning of the test and her patience had finally run out. "Will you shut up?"

JJ grinned. "Only if you make me."

Things between them have been somewhat better since their conversation at the marina. The crack in her resolve filled him with hope and he made the logical decision to try and make amends. Every morning before Kie picked them up for school, he would gift her with a bouquet of flowers he had picked from her neighbours' gardens. Her obvious contempt towards his advances were met with a cheeky smile and he refused to give up, quickly coming to the conclusion that relentlessly bothering her was actually quite enjoyable.

He must have been wearing her down because their usual banter had returned and her indignant comments towards him lessened. They weren't okay by any means, but he'd take whatever progress he could. Stella could never stay mad at him for long, even when they were kids, and once he figured out what to say and how to apologize, he knew they'd be on the right tract towards mending their friendship.

Their teacher walked down the aisle next to their desks and they ducked their heads down. Stella returned to the essay she was writing while JJ ripped the eraser off his pencil and drew his hand back to throw it at her.

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